15% off Mac Baren Tins @ SP

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Servant King

Nov 27, 2020
Frazier Park, CA
Ahhh...so I have somewhat belatedly realized that what SP did was to temporarily bump the prices of all the sale items up to a relatively exorbitant amount (which is displayed with strikethrough, so as to delineate the "savings"). When the 15% off is then applied, the new amount is basically right around what it usually is--$14 or so for loose cuts (3.5 oz.), $22 or so for rolls, spun cuts etc. I dunno...maybe it's naive of me, but I'm a bit put off by this tactic. That's something I'd expect from P&C before SP.

I feel like a bit of an r-tard right now. Sorry for the excitement over nothing!
Mar 13, 2020
Ahhh...so I have somewhat belatedly realized that what SP did was to temporarily bump the prices of all the sale items up to a relatively exorbitant amount (which is displayed with strikethrough, so as to delineate the "savings"). When the 15% off is then applied, the new amount is basically right around what it usually is--$14 or so for loose cuts (3.5 oz.), $22 or so for rolls, spun cuts etc. I dunno...maybe it's naive of me, but I'm a bit put off by this tactic. That's something I'd expect from P&C before SP.

I feel like a bit of an r-tard right now. Sorry for the excitement over nothing!

Here's what I see when I click on a product. I don't think they changed anything. I'm pretty sure those high prices are always there. Though I will admit, prices seem to be a bit higher than the last time I bought any MB, which has been a while.

Servant King

Nov 27, 2020
Frazier Park, CA
Perhaps they were already there, and I just didn't notice. On the Mac Baren page, they just show two prices, but when you click on a listing, they show three, as demonstrated by your screenshot. I have no idea where that bottom number comes from; I wouldn't pay $32 for a 3.5 oz. tin of any MacB offering, unless it was a discontinued blend! Likewise, $22 for something like Golden Extra for example, is out of the question.
Mar 13, 2020
Perhaps they were already there, and I just didn't notice. On the Mac Baren page, they just show two prices, but when you click on a listing, they show three, as demonstrated by your screenshot. I have no idea where that bottom number comes from; I wouldn't pay $32 for a 3.5 oz. tin of any MacB offering, unless it was a discontinued blend! Likewise, $22 for something like Golden Extra for example, is out of the question.
Yeah, I agree with you there. 32 dollars is out of the question haha.

What is Golden Extra regularly? Just curious because it's now listed as Reg. Price of 16.05 and sale price of 13.64. seems a little more expensive than it used to be, but hey, what isn't anymore.

Perhaps the bottom price is MSRP or something like that. If you look at any tobacco there is a high number like that which is crossed out.

Servant King

Nov 27, 2020
Frazier Park, CA
What is Golden Extra regularly? Just curious because it's now listed as Reg. Price of 16.05 and sale price of 13.64. seems a little more expensive than it used to be, but hey, what isn't anymore.

Perhaps the bottom price is MSRP or something like that. If you look at any tobacco there is a high number like that which is crossed out.
$13.64 is in line with what it is regularly, which is what threw me for a curve in the first place. Same for all the other loose cuts, like Original Choice, Symphony, the 7 Seas line etc. I've never seen any of those at $16, although I guess if this Weimar-esque hyperinflation continues, I may end up eating my words.

I think you're right about the MSRP price. Guess I just spaced on that one. 😵
Oct 3, 2021
Southeastern PA
With the discount their prices drop to "Pipes & Cigars level," however at Pipes & Cigars you can get Mac Baren at Pipes & Cigars prices and add the DROP15 coupon for further savings. beyond what Smokingpipes is offering.
I tried the drop15 on P&C and although it said the discount was applied, the price in the cart never changed. Am I missing something?
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Servant King

Nov 27, 2020
Frazier Park, CA
I don’t think it’s fair to make such a claim without doing a few research comps at least. Seems irresponsible to claim SPC is doing something nefarious where it seems, at least when I did my own couple of comps, it all checks out.

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Agreed, hence my previous post. It was just the MSRP crossed out and I didn't figure out what it was until coming_to brought it to my attention. If I could delete my 2nd post, I would. My bad!
Mar 13, 2020
$13.64 is in line with what it is regularly, which is what threw me for a curve in the first place. Same for all the other loose cuts, like Original Choice, Symphony, the 7 Seas line etc. I've never seen any of those at $16, although I guess if this Weimar-esque hyperinflation continues, I may end up eating my words.

I think you're right about the MSRP price. Guess I just spaced on that one. 😵
It's kinda depressing going back through my SP invoices. Things were a bit cheaper back then for sure.

I get where you're coming from, though. The sale makes the price what we're used to paying for it.


Mar 22, 2018
Compared to tobacco prices in Canada, these are dirt cheap, even if they aren't on sale. A 3.5 oz tin of MacBaren here is about $50 CAD, more for "premium" blends (oh, and don't forget to add the sales tax on top!).
A 3.5 oz tin here in SK is almost $100. 2 oz tins are $50-60 or more depending on brand. Cringle flake is nearly $80 a tin....