That’s right, two matches & just the one 52 minute break between relights!@Ahi Ka Me too! I got 54min out of a clay pipe of St Bruno Ready Rubbed!
That’s right, two matches & just the one 52 minute break between relights!@Ahi Ka Me too! I got 54min out of a clay pipe of St Bruno Ready Rubbed!
@simong No relighting Going to smoke some Gawith Hoggarth when I go to see the Sealed Knot next month.That’s right, two matches & just the one 52 minute break between relights!
Lol! But this is exactly the opposite of PMSS (and the forum in general). You expect two tins of tobacco and they ship you a whole tobacco shop.
That is yet to be seenIs there a Blueline pipe going in that Blueline case?
That tiny cutty is just perfect. Looks like it’s a nice match to Ash's set of two small Irish cuttys. And the Barling