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  1. flyguy

    Confessions of a So-Called Preferred Member

    On November 20 I became a preferred member, which is proof that if one "stinks-up" this website for a year and posts regularly, there is that ultimate reward. When I joined the site, pipe smoking was tortuous activity for me. Even though I had smoked a pipe off and on for 40 years, I seldom...
  2. flyguy

    What Are You Smoking? November 2013

    McClelland Beacon in a Calabresi Canadian.
  3. flyguy

    Ziploc Bagging vs. Jarring

    If you can smell the tobacco through the container, you are losing flavor. This goes for coffee too (after it has de-gassed). Transfer the tobacco from the bags to jars ASAP, unless you are planning on consuming the tobacco inside of a week. If you are planning on cellaring the tobacco for...
  4. flyguy

    Andrew Marks Nose Warmer (2013)

    That is a great looking pipe! I have been interested in Andrew Marks pipes for some time.
  5. flyguy

    McClelland 5100 & Blending

    @mso489: It is all about our own individual preference and taste. Some of us like variety and experimentation more than others. I wouldn't think of mixing some blends as they are perfection in themselves. But why not play around with base type tobaccos like 5100 or Carter Hall? I am not...
  6. flyguy

    I Think My Cellar is Complete

    I've made a goal for a cellar size of ten years. Of course no one knows how much time they have left. If I last longer I can always buy more, unfortunately at higher prices. If I die sooner or have to quit for health reasons, my son will get a nice aged stash!
  7. flyguy

    What Are You Smoking? November 2013

    McClelland Beacon in a Calabresi Canadian with a cup of strong, black coffee.
  8. flyguy

    McClelland 5100 & Blending

    I smoke a bowl of 5100 occasionally with a pinch of McClellend blending Perique. 5100 is also surprisingly good mixed 50/50 with Carter Hall. Try it, you'll like it! :puffy:
  9. flyguy

    Pellet Stove Anyone?

    I own a Quadra-Fire pellet stove. It works just fine and will heat my 3,000+ sf house, no problem. It has been sitting idle the last two winters. Pellets cost $200-$220 a ton (50 bags) and I use 1 bag a day. Natural gas is so cheap in my neck of the woods, it is more cost effective to use my...
  10. flyguy

    What Are You Smoking? November 2013

    McClelland Holiday Spirit 2013 in a Stanwell Vario 83.
  11. flyguy

    Prepping Sam Gawith's Full Virginia Flake

    :rofl: I'm retired and it is winter in north Idaho (winter begins November 1 up here). What else do I have to do? Might as well mess (pork) with some FVF.
  12. flyguy

    Prepping Sam Gawith's Full Virginia Flake

    Thanks Guys! It seems the only time I get into trouble with this hobby is when I lose patience. Lots of good ideas here.
  13. flyguy

    Favorite Online Vendor

    tobacco: 1. Pipes and Cigars(prices), 4Noggins(service) (tied) 2. Smoking Pipes pipes: 1. Ebay
  14. flyguy

    P&C Doubles Prices on Esoterica Bags

    @flaky- If only you Brits would ship to us Yanks...
  15. flyguy

    Logging Your Tobacco Cellar

    @Harris: No problem. Send me a plane ticket and I'm on my way. (Translation: If you got the money, I've got the time!) :nana:
  16. flyguy

    Prepping Sam Gawith's Full Virginia Flake

    @cosmic- I like your idea about setting out a couple of flakes for 2 days to dry. I never thought smoking a flake could be so much trouble. Reminds me of McClelland Dark Star.
  17. flyguy

    Prepping Sam Gawith's Full Virginia Flake

    @Harris- I have a bunch of FVF cellared. I'll take your advice and let it simmer some. I will also try smaller cubes and longer dry time and see if that is the answer. I may have to go to a crunchy texture. Thanks.
  18. flyguy

    Prepping Sam Gawith's Full Virginia Flake

    Thanks guys! @flaky- Best Brown Flake is the only flake I rub-out. I enjoy it that way. Maybe I need to do the same with FVF. Thanks. @Dragonslayer- your method sounds like it will work if I decide to continue cube cutting. Thanks! @Roth- I hear ya! I am currently enjoying the gourd Calabash...
  19. flyguy

    Prepping Sam Gawith's Full Virginia Flake

    I must admit I like the taste of Full Virginia Flake (FVF) but it is a pain in the arse (PITA) to prepare. Last night I chose the last flake in the tin and it was dry to the touch. I cubed it and tried to lite it. This stuff is darn-near fire proof. It wouldn't lite at all. I removed it...
  20. flyguy

    What Are You Smoking? November 2013

    Delayed Gratification Technique (DGT): Samuel Gawith Full Virginia Flake (SG FVF) in a gourd Calabash.