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  1. thextallxdude

    Smoking multiple blends in one pipe

    Well, the pipe in question is a restored Garfinkel's, so It may or may not already end up having a ghost flavor, but I like to keep one pipe per blend (which doesn't mean much, as this is only my 3rd pipe)but I might end up keeping a spare pipe for sampling,thank you all for our contributions, I...
  2. thextallxdude

    Looking for a new blend

    Thank you Sparroa, I'm still learning the terminology, so I appreciate you explaining things to me. Thanks for the suggestions too, that's exactly what I was looking for. Thank you too Judd, I'll look into those when I get the chance.
  3. thextallxdude

    Looking for a new blend

    I understand that there will be at least some aftertaste, but like with the Captains, I smoke, brush my teeth really well, then go to bed, but when I wake up it still tastes like I just finished the bowl, that's what I'm trying to avoid. I also don't mind strong tobacco, I'd just like to try...
  4. thextallxdude

    Smoking multiple blends in one pipe

    I have a new pipe, and was thinking about ordering a sampler,but would it mess up the flavor of the tobacco, and develop a weird cake flavor?
  5. thextallxdude

    Looking for a new blend

    Thank you, and just one question, out of curiosity. Why is the BCA grey?
  6. thextallxdude

    Looking for a new blend

    Well, eventually I would love to expand my horizons as far as possible, but for now, I don't have much to spend. (Teenager living on his own) if any premium bled is highly recommended though, I do not mind saving up for something.
  7. thextallxdude

    Looking for a new blend

    I don't really smoke for nicotine, I'd like to smoke because I want to, not because I have to. My biggest problem with describing what I like is that I'm not all that familiar with the terminology, outside of bite. I guess something not too strong, so I can smoke it before a meal, or before bed...
  8. thextallxdude

    New Members, Introduce Yourself!

    Hey, I've been smoking for nearly a year, since I turned eighteen. My social skills are not the best, I tend to run in circles, so I apologize to everyone for that in advance. But yeah, hey. I currently live in Florida, but have traveled all over the world (Army child). I'm a classical...
  9. thextallxdude

    Looking for a new blend

    I've recently acquired a new pipe, and would like to try something different. I usually smoke Captain Jack's, but as I'm new to the smoking world, I have no idea of what all is out there. I would really appreciate any suggestions as to what blends generally taste better.