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9 Fresh Castello Pipes
18 Fresh Estate Pipes
3 Fresh Doctor's Pipes
24 Fresh Genod Pipes
156 Fresh Peterson Pipes

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  1. J

    Motherload: Dunhill Cherrywood Poker Restoration (pics)

    Good job, Shaintiques. The top cleaned up nicely. Happy smoking!
  2. J

    What Are You Smoking? August 2013

    Samuel Gawith Full Virginia Flake in a Charatan Lane era sandblast billiard.
  3. J

    New Here to Site

    Welcome to the forum.
  4. J

    Brylon Help/Advice

    Njrox91, welcome to the forum. I bought a brylon pipe for curiosity and novelty many years ago. I didn't expect it to be any good and it proved my assumption correct. I smoked it probably twice to satisfy my curiosity and threw it in a drawer. There is one place where they will do very well...
  5. J

    What Are You Smoking? August 2013

    Wessex Burley Slice in a London made no name straight grain saddle billiard.
  6. J

    What Does James Bond (Sean Connery), Santa and Frosty Have in Common?

    He smoked cigarettes that were a custom blend of Balkan and Turkish tobacco, made for him by Moreland, which were what Ian Fleming actually smoked. I don't recall any mention of him ever smoking a pipe in either the books or the movies.
  7. J

    What Are You Smoking? August 2013

    Stokkebye Luxury Bullseye Flake in a Lane era Charatan sandblast tall billiard.
  8. J

    Sitting At The VA With My Father

    MP31guitar, if they haven't already done it, insist on a test for Lyme Disease. One of my daughters had a similar incident. I told her it could possibly be Lyme Disease. She went back to the doctor and when he finally tested for it, that's what it was. Bullbriar, when I ran a business in...
  9. J

    What Are You Smoking? August 2013

    Orlik Golden Sliced in a BBB silver mount Canadian.
  10. J

    You Know You're a Pipe Smoker When.....

    When on vacation you're looking for a local tobacco shop instead of a good restaurant. When you don't leave the house without 3 boxes of matches in your pants pocket. When a family member comes back from a yard sale with a pipe for you.
  11. J

    Work Break Pipe

    A cob or a small briar about size 2 or 3 should do it. Just fill the bowl half way.
  12. J

    Two New Estate Pipes - Great Grain

    The grain, the insert and coloring of the stain on the Stanwell makes for a beautiful looking pipe. Happy smoking!
  13. J

    What Are You Smoking? August 2013

    Solani Silver Flake in a Mastro de Paja Brugo rusticated billiard.
  14. J

    Cable & Customer Service

    That clip is so true to life! lol!
  15. J

    What Are the Best 10 Pipes Ever?

    This is an impossible question to answer; like asking who is the best artist, writer. musician, etc. Everybody has a different opinion and there is no "correct" answer. Chinedu, how long have you been a collector and what pipes do you have in your collection?
  16. J

    James Upshall B New Norwood Stem

    Al, that's the lowest price I've seen for an ebonite Cumberland stem and the workmanship is first class.
  17. J

    James Upshall B New Norwood Stem

    Nice looking job, Al. Is the new stem vulcanite or acrylic? I am wondering because of the price.
  18. J

    What Are You Smoking? August 2013

    Fribourg & Treyer Cut Virginia Plug in a in a "Dividend" lovat.
  19. J

    My Dream Cabinet ~ Handcrafted By Douglas Beeks

    Besides looking so good it is very functional. Beautifully done!
  20. J

    Quiz: Anyone Know What It Is?

    I don't know about the top one, Plateauguy, but the bottom one is an ice chipper that was common when people had ice boxes instead of refrigerators. There's something very similar to it sold today, for breaking up chocolate. Okay, just read the wording on the top one. It's used for sealing jars?