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  1. SRider

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    Dr Grabow Royalton with some Granger
  2. SRider

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    The Break in of my new Dr. Grabow Omega continues with some Velvet.
  3. SRider

    Lack of Respect for Sutliff?

    I enjoy several Sutliff blend. I will say though I don’t care for a lot of their heavily topped aeros. (crème brulee, Barbados Plantation) Maybe it’s just that style of aero in general that I can’t stand. I can’t really taste anything they smell great but, that’s it if I want a sweet pipe I...
  4. SRider

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    Breaking in my new Grabows with some Derby Club.
  5. SRider

    'New' Vintage Dr. Grabow Pipes

    They don’t do factory tours anymore but I did manage to get a pic of the bathroom 😂
  6. SRider

    Fathers’s Day

    I took today off to go to the factory in Sparta to get a 2 late Father’s Day Gift.
  7. SRider

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    Smoking some Captain Black Platinum in a Grabow drinking a highlife smoking some ribs
  8. SRider

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    Im enjoying some Derby Club Aromatic in my Savinelli. This along with Sir Walter Raleigh Aromatic are quickly becoming my favorite everyday smokes.
  9. SRider

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    Fathers Day came early
  10. SRider

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    Is it as bad as everyone says it is
  11. SRider

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    Breaking in a Rossi with some Carter Hall
  12. SRider

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    I’m continuing my codger activity with a Dr Grabow packed with velvet
  13. SRider

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    Prince Albert in a Savinelli Roma 614 watching some classic Atlanta Braves baseball
  14. SRider

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    I have yet to buy a clay, although I’m very intrigued by them. How well do they smoke compared to briar and cob.
  15. SRider

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    A Grabow with Sutliff Ready Rubbed accompanied with a rock glass with Bushmills black and Ginger Ale. Also the movie is Countdown to Looking Glass.
  16. SRider

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    Sutliff Barbados plantation in a vintage yello bole that I got for 10 bucks on eBay
  17. SRider

    Dr. Grabow in my Collection, At Last

    Glad to see Grabows getting love. I have a couple nicer pipes but, I always seem to find myself reaching for a Grabow.
  18. SRider

    Does pipe smoking and drinking go hand and hand

    A According to my fiancé I’m a happy drunk. So I reckon he was right when he said “it makes me a jolly good fellow”.
  19. SRider

    Any Advice on Quitting Cigarettes?

    I substituted cigarettes for vape. I wouldn’t really call that quiting, but it’s at least cheaper. One day I hope to drop the vape all together and just smoke a pipe.
  20. SRider

    Trouble Keeping Sutliff Ready Rubbed Lit.

    I finally got it going last night. It’s a pain at first but once it catches it’s burns pretty well.