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24 Fresh Rossi Pipes
12 Fresh Tsuge Pipes
18 Fresh Mastro Geppetto Pipes
48 Fresh Estate Pipes
156 Fresh Peterson Pipes

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  1. Sacred_summit

    Suddenly Lost my Taste for Pipe Tobacco

    Plus 1 for a deep clean. I have the same issue if I don't deep clean my pipes.
  2. Sacred_summit

    Hit the Motherload!

    I should try chewing the rope! Do you just place it in your lip or actually chew a little? I'm almost done the rustica, it's been my favorite.
  3. Sacred_summit

    Hit the Motherload!

    Earlier this month, I placed an order for the highest nicotine blends based on countless readings throughout this forum. Yesterday, it all arrived! The ropes are particularly unique. It's hard to describe the flavor. War Horse Bar gave me the biggest nicotine kick. I was surprised since I have...
  4. Sacred_summit

    How to Prepare Rope and Twist Pipe Tobacco

    I'm smoking my first rope now. I never considered doing a search on how to prep. I used my knife and cut off a few coin pieces, rubbed it out and it's smoking great! Super complex and unique flavor. I'm smoking Black Irish Twist.
  5. Sacred_summit

    Instant Oxidation?

    Of it continues oxidizing, can I just smoke it oxidized?
  6. Sacred_summit

    Instant Oxidation?

    Butcher block oil is a combination of mineral oil, carnauba wax, and beeswax. It sounds like my suspicions were correct. It had started to oxidize, and I merely covered it up as you said. I'll sand it down to remove the oxidation and then reapply a few coats of the conditioner and see how it...
  7. Sacred_summit

    Sandblast or Rustication?

    Thank you guys. This makes sense!
  8. Sacred_summit

    Instant Oxidation?

    Yesterday, I picked up a standard system Peterson 314. It has a vulcanite stem (which I prefer). I could tell by the way it looked that the moment it saw light or saliva, it would oxidize. So, before I smoked it, I lathered it with my butcher block conditioner and let it sit overnight. Halfway...
  9. Sacred_summit

    Sandblast or Rustication?

    Hello everyone, this has been an insightful thread to read. I have read several threads now comparing rusticated versus sandblasted Petersons to better understand their differences. I still have my initial question regarding the performance of a sandblasted versus rusticated Peterson. Does one...
  10. Sacred_summit

    Too Hot & Goes Out

    I have observed that my deluxe 307 pipe experiences significant hot spot issues, which is unexpected given its substantial size. It appears that the tobacco does not combust evenly, resulting in one side of the bowl becoming excessively hot. The priming and lighting processes seem more...
  11. Sacred_summit

    Too Hot & Goes Out

    Hey, I really like this! I've found that packing a pipe loosely (if you're thinking, man; I packed this way to lose) is best when breath smoking. Contrary to a lot of sources I've read, packing a pipe looser than you'd think can allow for an effortless, enjoyable smoke. A caveat: a super...
  12. Sacred_summit

    Help! Which Stem for Which Pipe?...

    LOL. Uncle Buck was one of my favorite movies growing up as a kid. I want to thank everybody for their help. To the poster above, sadly I moved my stems after I took that photo. I wasn't able to figure out which stem was which from the photo I took, so I couldn't use your post stating which...
  13. Sacred_summit

    Help! Which Stem for Which Pipe?...

    Here are the photos of my pipes.
  14. Sacred_summit

    Help! Which Stem for Which Pipe?...

    It's a combination of mineral oil, carnuba wax and bees wax. I lather it on my stem after every smoke and it rests for a day or two before I buff it off with a micro fiber cloth. It seems to slowly layer after each application so my vulcanite stems now have an incredible shine with lots of...
  15. Sacred_summit

    Help! Which Stem for Which Pipe?...

    Here is a photo. I am guessing that the stem on the left is for the 307 as it looks to be the biggest. The middle stem might be the 312 because it has a greater bend & my deluxe 312 has an extreme bend in the stem. That leads me to believe the stem on the right is for the 314, but I...
  16. Sacred_summit

    Help! Which Stem for Which Pipe?...

    I have a Spigot 314, 312, and 307 and I keep them side by side on my desk. After a smoke I remove the stem and lather it with my butcher's block conditioner, I then set the stem beside my pipe chamber in a pipe stand and let it rest until I smoke it again. The last two days I've had all three...
  17. Sacred_summit

    Pack and Tap: Is my Strange Way Wrong?

    No way, so tapping isn't allowed in slow smoking competitions. Interesting! I've been very aware of the pressure when filling my bowls recently. I keep the lower part of the bowl loose and only tamp firmer after my final load if I'm doing the 3-stack method. Come to think of it, even when I do...
  18. Sacred_summit

    Pack and Tap: Is my Strange Way Wrong?

    This makes sense. Based on this reasoning, I would never want to tap the side of my pipe several times, even if didn't tap the first two fills but tapped it when topping off the 3rd (If I did the 3 pack method for example) Because then all of the tobacco will fit snuggly into place at the...
  19. Sacred_summit

    Pack and Tap: Is my Strange Way Wrong?

    I've tried this, but notice that after a light It tamps down half way or is extremely loose. Do you tap the side of the pipe at all to have the pieces fall into place?