Yesterday, I picked up a standard system Peterson 314. It has a vulcanite stem (which I prefer). I could tell by the way it looked that the moment it saw light or saliva, it would oxidize. So, before I smoked it, I lathered it with my butcher block conditioner and let it sit overnight. Halfway through the night, I awoke and decided to buff off the conditioner and reapplied it. This has worked for all of my other vulcanite stems. They have been brilliant from the get-go, and after each smoke, I apply a fresh coat.
Today, I removed the conditioner to start breaking in my 314, and it immediately oxidized like I have never seen before! I'm perplexed, as this has never happened to me before.
I'll need to sand it down and apply more conditioner.
My question is, given what happened, how many coats or days will it take before I can smoke this again? Twenty-four hours and two coats were obviously not enough.
Thanks, guys.
Today, I removed the conditioner to start breaking in my 314, and it immediately oxidized like I have never seen before! I'm perplexed, as this has never happened to me before.
I'll need to sand it down and apply more conditioner.
My question is, given what happened, how many coats or days will it take before I can smoke this again? Twenty-four hours and two coats were obviously not enough.
Thanks, guys.