Chasing, I am still kicking myself for not snagging the rainbow volcano before you got to it. You are such a dick. lol
I love sandblasted pipes and a good portion of my collection is dedicated to sandblasts. I like some rusticated finishes, but I'm pretty picky about the ones I do like. I love Castello's Sea Rock finish as well as Radice's Rind finish.
I also love the Corallo di Mare finish that Savinelli used to do. If I recall, it is a sandblast/rusticated hybrid type of natural finish. If I remember correctly, there was only one person in the factory that knew how to do this finish, and once he was gone, then they were unable to recreate it the same way. I have two and they are great smokers.
But a natural sandblast that patinas and colors over time is my absolute favorite!
I absolutely love those beautiful modern pipes, and own several similar modern pipes, some with rustication and blast finishes.Bria Lee, please don't take this personally but I think all of your Lee pipes are pretty freaking ugly. So far there is not one Lee pipe that I would ever consider buying. I would also never buy a pipe with a stinger. I honestly don't understand your fascination with that line of pipes. Show me a Lee pipe that looks as good as the following pipes.
Jack Howell
Rad Davis
Bruce Weaver
Rad Davis
This is just a few of my good looking blasts.
Briar Lee, you make a lot of valid points and I get why people would buy them especially from that era. I believe they wouldn't be very successful in today's market, but then again you could probably keep them in business just by your self.
I only buy classic shapes and the Lee classics are not what I am used to. As long as you love collecting them then that is great. You are having fun and that is all that matters. Not everyone can have incredible tastes in pipes like I do. LOL
Does a green straw drink differently than a blue one? External cosmetic differences won't change how a pipe smokes.Does one smoke better than the other?
Only externally. The interior temperature remains the same and the hotness or coolness of the smoke is up to the technique of the smoker. The pipe doesn't change that.I've read people talk about rusticated pipes smoking cooler due to more surface material on the bowl.