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  1. wingcamnut

    Beater Pipe, Prince Albert, and Fishing

    Always have a small towel ringed on my fly vest, A corn cob, Samuel Gawith Black cherry Cavendish, The corn cob? Because I dont want to go pipe fishing! Or bite through in the excitement!:)
  2. wingcamnut

    Burning Bowl ?

    I need some advice, I have notice some quite deep pitting appearing in the bowl of one of my briars, never had the problem before, I noticed it after the bowl got really hot during a fairly long smoke whilst fishing. After the bowl was emptied I saw the charcoal pits in the wall of the pipe...
  3. wingcamnut

    Freemasons and Other Fraternities

    Round Table, ex chair 3 times , now ex Tabler, Honorary Lifetime PIG ......too old now 45 is retirement age! Area 5 UK International roles, Area roles, fine body of drunkards and all round good eggs! However plenty of cigar smokers never came across a pipe smoker...go figure? :D
  4. wingcamnut

    Collective Noun?.... What are We Called?

    So Collectively a Poverty of Kapnismologists ? would be great explaining it to the uninitiated........I know it lacks the poetry of Poverty of Pipers , Arthur good call! But as they say there is no point in being an awkward bugger if you can't show it! :)
  5. wingcamnut

    Anyone smoke two pipes?

    I will often start one with a blend and when finishing a session go back to my Black Cherry.If its a good read and a pleasant evening out it can run to 3! So what goes in the middle?
  6. wingcamnut

    Collective Noun?.... What are We Called?

    I Like "cloud" perhaps a Fog or a Haze :)
  7. wingcamnut

    New Members, Introduce Yourself!

    HI just joined yesterday, getting to grips with the layouts etc. Living in the UK, started a pipe when I was 17 , had an on off relationship with my Briar. Now its full on and loving it again.Great to see so many people on here enjoying a pipe .Love the site , had a warm welcome so far. Just...
  8. wingcamnut

    Collective Noun?.... What are We Called?

    OK , so what is the collective noun for pipe smokers?...... I am sure one exists. I have come across "Pipemen" and "Pipers" Perhaps we can run a poll and come up with a self determined collective noun? I would love to see your suggestions? My not so serious suggestion "Pipoleers"......I am...
  9. wingcamnut

    The Dying Breed?

    HI fellow Pipers.....just what is the collective noun?... I am sure there are mixed opinions? I will start a new Forum topic on this right after I have finished this one. So my question as per my blog ( thanks to Chris G for pointing me in the right direction) Are we a dying breed? I rarely come...