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  1. invoxx

    Tobacco Recommendations

    One thing I also found on the internet, is that I might be just smoking wrong, for example, too hot. And that hot smoking kills the taste too. Maybe that is the issue. Seems like I have a long long learning process in front of me :) Also, can it be that the briar pipe gives more taste than the...
  2. invoxx

    Tobacco Recommendations

    Thank you, I will give it a try! Though there is no taste at all there, so I don't put my hopes on getting something I was expecting anyways) Thank you Piper! I tried this website and it actually sells back pain solutions :) Not sure it was the one you wanted to link me :)
  3. invoxx

    Tobacco Recommendations

    I actually didn't, but it doesn't seem wet to be honest. I was hoping for more shisha/Capt. Black cigarettes taste from aromated ones :) Guess it was just my false expectations :) I still like the tobacco though.
  4. invoxx

    Tobacco Recommendations

    Hello everyone! Thank you so much for the advices! I still have issues finding a place to get those tobaccos, but I am solving this problem. I have one more question though. In the local shop I've bought Peterson Connoiseur's Choice, which is an aromatic too. The smell from the can is insanely...
  5. invoxx

    Tobacco Recommendations

    @ piper64 Hey there! What is this shop? Do you have a website by any chance? Thank you!
  6. invoxx

    Tobacco Recommendations

    Thank you so much for your recommendations! I'm afraid not a lot. And the choice is pretty limited - mostly Peterson tobaccos. I'm having really hard time findng pipe related stuff here :(
  7. invoxx

    Tobacco Recommendations

    Is there a chance that someone from EU can advise me with a tobacco online shop that can possibly ship tobacco to Ireland and that is worth checking? Would greatly appreciate it!
  8. invoxx

    Tobacco Recommendations

    Oh wow, thank you so much! It actually changed the smell drastically! Thank you sir! Will give a try to those!
  9. invoxx

    Tobacco Recommendations

    Thank you so much everyone, I wrote down all the names for myself :) I have 2 cobs at the moment, switching between them. And what about tobaccos with flavorings, like vanilla, cherry, etc.? I understand they are probably much lower quality, but still interested in trying. Any suggestions here...
  10. invoxx

    Tobacco Recommendations

    Hello dear friends, I am new here, as today was my second ever pipe smoke - I liked my first one yesterday, but today one was so much better! I am using a Missouri Meerschaum Legend and the tobacco I am smoking is Peterson Sherlock Holmes. I managed not to break the pipe, managed to maintain...
  11. invoxx

    Good Day to You from Russia/Ireland

    Guys, thank you all so much! I guess it is time for me, as you advised, to move to a new thread and stop abusing the welcome topic :) I am really glad I am here! Thank you all so much! @ben88 Привет Леон! Большое спасибо! :)
  12. invoxx

    Good Day to You from Russia/Ireland

    Hey guys :) Thank you for the welcome :) So just a few hours ago I had my first smoke! I was worried that I will do something wrong, and ruin the cob from the first time, but everything went nice and smooth! The taste was really nice, reminded me of a very light cigar, with no harshness or dry...
  13. invoxx

    Good Day to You from Russia/Ireland

    Hello again :) Just a quick update - I've ordered 2 cob pipes, the ones you suggested me, and the tools needed :) So in a few days I'll be able to start! Also bought Peterson Sherlock Holmes tobacco. We don't have a huge options in the city, so I purchased it because I liked the name :) Will...
  14. invoxx

    Good Day to You from Russia/Ireland

    Wow, didn't know you can actually go to the factory! Thanks for the heads up, will definitely do so!
  15. invoxx

    Good Day to You from Russia/Ireland

    Thank you so so much everyone! So as I found out, Peterson pipes are better to buy in Dublin, so I still have some time until I go there. In the meantime, I decided to give a try to cob pipe. I found a UK based website with good prices, so I have only one thing I am confused with at the moment -...
  16. invoxx

    Good Day to You from Russia/Ireland

    @lawdawg haha, that once again proves that I shouldn't believe everything I see on the internet :D I found this place with the cobs, can you please advise me which ones are worth looking at here? As I can...
  17. invoxx

    Good Day to You from Russia/Ireland

    Hey there workman! Thank you so much, I am really considering Peterson now, I can get them without even going to Dublin for about 70 Euro, with is pretty good as I think :)
  18. invoxx

    Good Day to You from Russia/Ireland

    Greetings lawdawg! That is definitely really helpful! I hear about cobs so much that I start actually considering trying them out :D Is that true that they usually last one pack of tobacco and then you replace them? So they are like disposable or something? :)
  19. invoxx

    Good Day to You from Russia/Ireland

    Hey @jpmcwjr, Thank you so much for the welcome and for the information! I will definitely look at that variant! As for Cork, I found some in Carrolls Gift shops, and they actually sell Peterson pipes :)...
  20. invoxx

    Good Day to You from Russia/Ireland

    Thank you Timt! One question, that might be totally stupid - is it worth even looking in the direction of that type of purchases, or they are not worth a dime? Thank you!