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Aug 21, 2018
@lawdawg haha, that once again proves that I shouldn't believe everything I see on the internet :D
I found this place with the cobs, can you please advise me which ones are worth looking at here?
As I can see there are different materials used too o.O



Jul 19, 2018
As far as the pipe, no clue on my part but I'm sure others here could help you. And as far as accessories go, they're kind of a personal preference thing but you'll want lots of pipe cleaners and a pipe tool of some sort - that czech tool works ok but you can grab them pretty cheap. I don't use filters. The other stuff are things I don't really use but if Santa put them in my stocking, I might use them. :puffy:



Aug 25, 2016
@lawdawg haha, that once again proves that I shouldn't believe everything I see on the internet

I found this place with the cobs, can you please advise me which ones are worth looking at here?

As I can see there are different materials used too o.O
Yes, Missouri Meerschaum is the brand to get. When we talk about cob pipes, we are talking about Missouri Meerschaum brand pipes. Of the pipes on the link you posted, I would get the "legend" (straight or bent, your choice - or both) and/or the Mark Twain. Legends are inexpensive and smoke every bit as well as their other pipes.



Feb 21, 2013
I've been to Ireland a couple times, but I don't know the pipe market there. I would think, since Dublin is the "home church" of Peterson pipes, you might be able to find a good estate (used) Peterson you could clean up thoroughly and enjoy, to keep prices down. Flea markets and antique shops might have these. Welcome aboard.



Feb 21, 2016
Corfu Greece
If you are looking at estate pipes in UK

you cant beat

All pipes come ready to smoke having been cleaned/sanatised.Dean will see you right



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Staff member
May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Yes, I'd avoid this like The Plague! But at least you get metal balls with it, and a pair of knockers!



Aug 21, 2018
Thank you so so much everyone!
So as I found out, Peterson pipes are better to buy in Dublin, so I still have some time until I go there. In the meantime, I decided to give a try to cob pipe. I found a UK based website with good prices, so I have only one thing I am confused with at the moment - with cobs do I need to have a few of them as with briar ones, so they can rest after the smoke for at least 24 hours, or it is a bit different with them? And is that correct that I can smoke one pipe only once a day, as it will ruin it if I will do so more often?
Thank you! :)



Moderate Moderator
Staff member
May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
No, you don't need multiple pipes, be they cobs or briars. It's a long standing shibboleth that pipes "need" 24 hours to "rest". Bullshit! If you smoke fairly dry tobacco, you can load up and smoke in minutes. Now, many of us have a bunch of pipes and will indeed let it rest as we smoke another pipe or ten.
Your trip to Dublin should be fabulous. Be sure to find out the factory hours so you can get a tour of it in Sallynoggin. My big regret was that I was in Dublin when the factory was on holiday, but the store was very worthwhile. Fine staff.



Aug 25, 2016
No, you don't need multiple pipes, be they cobs or briars. It's a long standing shibboleth that pipes "need" 24 hours to "rest". Bullshit! If you smoke fairly dry tobacco, you can load up and smoke in minutes. Now, many of us have a bunch of pipes and will indeed let it rest as we smoke another pipe or ten.
Agree to disagree :) I'm sure you can get by with more frequent smokes particularly if you like your tobacco dry. However, I have personally had pipes go sour on me, mainly cobs when smoking multiple bowls per day of Carter Hall (fresh from the tub, undried) on fishing trips. After a few days rest, they are good to go again. Also, beginner smokers are more likely to have a nasty wet smoke with more frequency, resulting a goopy mess in the pipe that might take a little time to recover, hence the benefit of having multiple pipes.



Aug 21, 2018
Hello again :)
Just a quick update - I've ordered 2 cob pipes, the ones you suggested me, and the tools needed :) So in a few days I'll be able to start!
Also bought Peterson Sherlock Holmes tobacco. We don't have a huge options in the city, so I purchased it because I liked the name :)
Will keep you updated as soon as I will get everything :)
Thank you so much for your help and warm welcome!



Mar 13, 2018
SC Piedmont
Welcome, Alex! Good advice all around, even from miket. He's like me -- may not know much, but what he knows he knows. :twisted:
Yeah, Mike, I love you too. You know I haven't abused you much lately. }:)
You'll like it here. Just watch out for those screwballs who sail the Black Frigate. They're trouble, every one of 'em!



Dec 8, 2010
It is essential to have a small rotation of pipes. It takes much longer than a few minutes for the moisture to clear from a pipe after it has been smoked. Resting it for a day or more will greatly lessen the occurence of unpleasant flavours. Given the cost of cobs, at least, I would never rely upon a single pipe...



Aug 21, 2018
Hey guys :) Thank you for the welcome :)
So just a few hours ago I had my first smoke! I was worried that I will do something wrong, and ruin the cob from the first time, but everything went nice and smooth!
The taste was really nice, reminded me of a very light cigar, with no harshness or dry feeling, which is fantastic! Unfortunately I am a bit sick, so can't feel all the smells, but I really enjoyed it!
Had to light it up quite some times during the smoke, but I guess it's not a problem. Never got tge smoke into too hot or 'watery'.
The pipe is clea ed now and waiting fir tomorrow :)
I want to ask for tobacco advices now - what should I try, what can you recommend - both from normal and flavored!
Thank you all once again so much, you helped the dream come true :)



May 23, 2018
Alex, sounds like you did okay. You might get more responses if you start a new thread about your first smoke and ask for recommendations. This thread is more of a welcome thread. Try it and see what happens.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 15, 2018
Welcome, Alex.
I am also new here, although I've been a pipe and cigar smoker for nearly fifty years, as well as a cigarette smoker for much of that time. Let me give you something to think about based upon what I've learned.
There is no doubt that smoking is harmful to one's health, whatever one smokes. So, if you are going to smoke, you should do so in a way that minimizes the health risks. The best way to do this is not to inhale. The long term consequences of inhaling tobacco smoke are serious and unavoidable. If you inhale tobacco smoke over a long period of time, you run the risk of coronary disease (e.g., heart attack), lung cancer and lung diseases like COPD, emphysema and chronic bronchitis. So, if you are going to smoke, don't inhale. That means, stop smoking cigarettes now and, instead, smoke forms of tobacco that can be enjoyed without inhaling. Since both pipes and cigars can be enjoyed without inhaling, they are a safer choice -- although not as safe as not smoking at all.
So, my advice is, either quit smoking or, if you're going to smoke, get rid of the cigarettes and smoke a pipe and/or cigars. Twenty or thirty years from now, you will be glad that you did.

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