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  1. misterrogers

    Put That Cigar in Pour Pipe! ... ?

    Like mlyvers, I know someone who does something very similar. But I've never heard of a cigar designed for this. What will the world think of next?
  2. misterrogers

    Package From Mockba? (Ponomarchuk Pipe Finally Arrives)

    I'm not overly familiar with Russian pipes or pipe carvers, but that's a good looking pipe. Now, my russian isn't what it use to be (Though I'm practicing everyday). The tape on the box that reads "почта россии" is "Russian Post" with some word order added in. "УФПС" happens to be Moscow's mail...
  3. misterrogers

    Can't Stop Ordering Tobacco...

    I've been planning on trying some Dunhill flake but haven't gotten around to it. Hopefully you like the Orlik, I love the stuff and need to buy some more.
  4. misterrogers

    Price per Oz.

    My local pipe store mixes almost all their bulk blends on sight (They carry a few McClelland bulk like 5100 - Red Cake). Besides those, all other pipe tobacco is tinned or pre-bagged. Their own blends are about $3.50 per ounce with tax, though they get cheaper as the amount you buy goes up. I...
  5. misterrogers

    Finally, A Thread About How Great 1Q And Carter Hall Are!

    1Q saved my marriage and did my taxes. Thanks 1Q!
  6. misterrogers

    Smokeless in Seattle (Article by Ethan Brandt)

    What on God's Green Earth... Have they lost their bloody minds?
  7. misterrogers

    Press Release: Kevin Godbee Introduces

    I wonder if G.L. Pease also plans to switch and become a master blender in the green stuff now.
  8. misterrogers

    What Are You Smoking? April 2013

    Some 1Q in a stacked billiard.
  9. misterrogers

    Bo Nordh In His Workshop -- Cool Video

    I remember seeing this a while back and loved just how happy Bo always seemed. On a slightly related note, anyone else now hungry for some Muscovy Duck?
  10. misterrogers

    Bull & Bear in Naperville Closing

    Oh man, that sucks. Whenever I visited the ex, we always went. They were always very friendly despite being mainly a cigar store.
  11. misterrogers

    What Are You Smoking? *March 2013*

    Shortcut to Mushroom in a straight grain billiard.
  12. misterrogers

    What Are You Smoking? *March 2013*

    1Q in a no name bent billard.
  13. misterrogers

    New Obamacare Premium Hikes for Smokers

    I've got to agree with rothnh here. I'm not sure I'm against the idea of some sort of socialized medicine, but what's been put forward in a rotten mess. Just as I hate the idea of government bureaucrats and politicians telling people what they can and can't own or marry, I hate the idea of them...
  14. misterrogers

    Editing Older Post

    Perhaps it's just me, but I find myself making mistakes in post I've made. Perhaps I accidentally misspelled a word or even forgot one completely. Sometimes I'll notice it right after I post it, and I'll fix it right away. But more often than not, I notice it hours later. Now, maybe it's because...
  15. misterrogers

    Pipe Club Meeting Pics

    It looks like you all had a grand time! I hope to see if central Ohio has anything going on in terms of clubs.
  16. misterrogers

    A Few Cool Vintage Ads

    I giggled like a school boy at these. Klompen-Kloggen sounds like something out of a Scandivanan smut film and not something I'd put in my pipe. "Ah Herr Pipe-so-big! Is it true vat zey say about Klompen-Kloggen?" "Ja ja, it is. I koult help joo packen joor... pipe."
  17. misterrogers

    JFK With Pipe, Circa 1963

    After having a few drinks, I do damn good JFK impersonation. And while not a conspiracy theory man, is anyone else excited at the prospect of the Assassination Records Review Board releasing the last of the documents in 2017?
  18. misterrogers

    Placed My Order(s) Today :)

    Hopefully you'll like Orlik, I love the stuff despite being an English blend man myself. And tell me what you think of the McClelland Grand Orientals you bought. I'm sitting on several tins of it, but I haven't opened them because I have enough tins opened as is. rmbittner: You bought 16 tins of...
  19. misterrogers

    PAD (Had to Do It!)

    Five and forty dollars for that bad boy? Hot damn! That's a hell of a deal, I hope it's a good smoker man!
  20. misterrogers

    Tobacco B&M prices

    Hurray for a fellow central Ohioan! For the shop I go to, it's about a dollar or so more, though some blends are cheaper and some more expensive. When I buy in bulk I go online, but I do my best to support my local shop (Pipes & Pleasures) whenever possible. Every penny counts when you're trying...