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  1. misterrogers

    Bombing In Boston!!

    Mourn those who perished and pray for those who are affected. But do not let this attack get the better of us. We've seen after such attacks an assault on the personal freedoms of man. The attacks of 9/11 and the Aurora/Sandy Hook shootings are examples of this. Justice will be served, but we...
  2. misterrogers

    All Tobacco Will Be Treated Equally in 2014

    Sin taxes are a ridiculous and insulting relic of the past. I'm telling you, it's a nanny state out there and it's only getting worse. Anyone getting that "1984" vibe?
  3. misterrogers

    After avoiding the TAD bug, it caught up.

    I had managed to avoid it by buying almost every time I went to the B&M. But it wasn't enough and I caved. This is the third time I've done business with smokingpipes, and as always it was quick and wonderful.
  4. misterrogers

    A Women Walks Into a Cigar and Tobacco Shop...Whaaat?

    My local B&M, Pipes and Pleasures of Columbus Ohio, is owned by the lovely Roswitha Anderson. Beside her though, women are an extremely rare occurrence. I've seen the occasional wife come in picking up some tobacco for the husband or even a fellow dragging in the girlfriend when he picks up a...
  5. misterrogers

    What Are You Smoking? April 2013

    Last evening I had some aged G.L. Pease Westminster in a bent bulldog.
  6. misterrogers

    Let's Make Fun Of Dunhill

    Not sure if I should pack the Dunghill with my crap or Mixture 79, not like it'd make much difference.
  7. misterrogers

    Can Someone Please Explain Prince Albert?

    For some reason or another, there is a piercing people get called "The Prince Albert" that involves putting a piece of metal through part of your manhood... I shudder to even think about it, and now I'm going to have nightmares. As for the tobacco, I find it a good "working around the yard"...
  8. misterrogers

    First New Pipe in 13 Years.

    Both are great looking pipes mate!
  9. misterrogers

    MY TAD Is Out of Control!!

    She'll learn sooner or later. My mum use to get really pissy about me laying down a hundred dollars every few months for a tobacco purchase. Then one day I helped her unload, I kid you not, seven cases (12 bottles each) of wine. As I helped unload them I asked how this was any different than me...
  10. misterrogers

    Everclear Prices

    You must have bought the 151 proof then. I have a bottle for cleaning my pipes, and boy is that some scary stuff. I know some kids at the college I went to use to put it in the punch and cover the flavor with kool-aid and such. Two glasses would easily knock these stick figure gals on their rear...
  11. misterrogers

    What Are You Smoking? April 2013

    A billiard packed with some very well aged Orlik Golden Slice. I forgot how much I love the stuff despite being an English blend man. I've gt to buy some more to age.
  12. misterrogers

    What Are You Smoking? April 2013

    Mac Baren - HH Highland Blend in my best billiard.
  13. misterrogers

    Bo Nordh Pipe, WOW

    I've heard of Bo pipes going as high as 10 grand, but never 25 grand. I'd love to meet the buyer, or anyone with a Bo collection.
  14. misterrogers

    Florida's HB49

    Politicians passing unconstitutional laws? They'd never do something so stupid or asinine. /sarcasm
  15. misterrogers

    Florida's HB49

    It's a rather... oddly worded bill. At point the bill states... Only to go on and say... While it's rather clear what they're trying to ban here, by featuring wood and ceramic in the banned materials, they've banned tobacco pipes. Either Flordia pipe smokers need to get word to their State...
  16. misterrogers

    A Morning With Bing

    Now that's what I call music.
  17. misterrogers

    Spring or Tax Anxiety TAD

    A great haul! Some great stuff in there. After almost a year of avoiding the TAD bug (Mainly by buying a tin here and there when I visit the smoking lounge), it's the bug has taken me, and taken me hard. I've been putting off buying for the past few days, trying to see if I can fight it off, but...
  18. misterrogers

    If You Could Only Have One Pipe Shape For The Rest Of Your Life

    A Liverpool or Canadian with a smooth finish me thinks. The two are similar enough that I could live with either.
  19. misterrogers

    You're First Dog (Not Pipe Related)

    While we had a two dogs before her, Jersey was the first dog that I can remember clearly. The rest existed, but I would never call them my dogs so much as my parent's dogs that came before us. Jersey, named after our "majestic" homeland of New Jersey, was a chocolate lab. When we first got her...