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  1. S

    How Do You Like Your Steak?

    As long as I'm left enough bloody juice for that inch thick fresh sliced heavily buttered bread to mop up I'm a happy man!
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    What's your favourite 3rd of the bowl?

    If you split the bowl into 3 as its smoked, what's your favourite third? Mine in the last 3rd. I like the kind of musky flavour. So much so I sip sip sip away to the end. Possibly a tobacco hand thing also, I've not sampled enough to know, but I also like the cigar type bitterness the final...
  3. S

    Don't get ripped off with the price of tobacco jars.

    Unless of course you like paying over the odds lol I have just sourced some very nice glass jars with air tight locks for £1.99 each. I'd say they will easily hold 500grams and they the sort used for pickles. I'm not sure if site rules allow me to share the shop name. If someone could...
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    Help With Tasting and Reviewing

    Thank Kevin. I only capitalised cos someone told me to the other day lol. I believe your head honcho tho? So I'll go with you. Thanks for the edit. I normally save capital letters for when I'm texting my x wife :rofl:
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    Help With Tasting and Reviewing

    Good afternoon from across the pond chaps! In another threads someone asked me to let them know wot I thought of my blends that I received. Now I tried my best but I'm an amateur and was quite vague. Can you help me please? What's techniques do I use to taste properly? What do individual...
  6. S

    What Would You Do?

    Cajundad. The Carey's arrived this morning and I've tried the wild cherry 2027. Now this is their aromatics range but tbh it was not particularly aromatic. I only have Peterson holiday season 2012 as a comparison tho, which I love! It is however imo a nice smoke. Initially sharp and Smokey but...
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    Materials Pipes are Made With

    Cleidophorus thanks. That's the sort of thing. Looks to god to be true .......l probably is lol
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    Women Pipe Smokers

    I often have this conversation with my fishing buddies. How strange bluestar pipes and fishing! Imo their response is the reason why women stay away from male dominated environments. The whole "cor yeah a good looking girl to look at while fishing" it would put me off too! It's great when I do...
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    What Would You Do?

    I'll try my best cajundad. Give me a couple of days because I'm not even a week old pipe smoker so probably the best I'll be able to offer is "that was nice" or "better than the other" . Like now. I've been enjoying st Bruno. EMP is smoother. Feels like more nicotine and burns better. The...
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    What Would You Do?

    Done exactly that! Enjoying the EMP now!
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    What Would You Do?

    Lol Philip I know I'm a newbie but I'm not that green. Or as my old grandad would say, not as green as I'm cabbage looking. Jars. ....... now there sounds a plan cos I just know I'm not gonna be able to help myself!
  12. S

    What Would You Do?

    3 a day Kris so I can probably open 3 :lol:
  13. S

    What Would You Do?

    So in the morning I have quite a variety of tobacco turning up - emp, peterson deluxe, conisoir, Irish oak and festive 2012. Carey's aromatic sampler (5gs of 9 different blends). What is the best thing for me to do. Obviously I would like to open each and have a good smell of them but logic...
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    Happy Smoking from England

    I've been getting on with st Bruno but I have 6 tins and a Carey's sampler of 9 different types. Yep variety is my spice too lol
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    Happy Smoking from England

    Is it that much cheaper Kris? Some of the blends are not available to us in the UK anyway? What's your smoke Kris and who do you shop with?
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    Materials Pipes are Made With

    Afternoon chaps. So I'm looking thru Amazon UK site at pipes and there are pipes that are described as durable make. Has anyone had any experience with this "material"?
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    Can Smoking Make Me Sick?

    I've gone from smoking 20 rollies minimum in a day to 3 pipes with no rollies so don't think it's that. Thank god cos I'm really enjoying my pipes! Must just have a bug.
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    Can Smoking Make Me Sick?

    Guys sorry this is probably the most uninteresting post ever. Can pipes smoking upset your stomach? That's probably the most polite least gross way I could ask! Edit: Capitalized title, L.
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    Happy Smoking from England

    Hey pipe dude. I'm an Essex boy. Not like those fools on The tv I'm glad to say lol How about yourself?
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    Happy Smoking from England

    Fitzy I'm really new to smoking a pipe so I really don't know lol! Atm I only have some tobacco I picked up from a newsagents and I've been told it's probably nit been kept well. St Bruno and clan. I have quite a few ozs of Peterson, Dunhill and Carey varieties on their way through the post! Is...