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  1. spartan

    Don’t Like It. What Do You Do?

    @Dottiewarden Pm me your address and I will send you a sample of my amazing English leftover stock to show you that my way wins. It is amazing. Only pm me if you enjoy English style tobacco. :wink:
  2. spartan

    Nun in a Fur Coat

    Surely I'm not the only one who clicked this thread hoping for a sexy nun in a fur coat right? Fuq. :cry:
  3. spartan

    Number Nine, Number Nine, Number Nine...

    Most smartphones and tablets automatically start sentences with a capitol letter and spell check you. No excuses. Are you 12? You went to school and studied English for a reason; to be taken seriously. Use it.
  4. spartan

    Don’t Like It. What Do You Do?

    In the piping world this is called a Mixture. When I stumble across something I will not waste time on I will mix them up in a bowl and them place them into an airtight glass jar to mellow for a bit while I enjoy other flavors. I only separate them into aromatics, and everything else. I'm not...
  5. spartan

    Moldy Tobacco Questions

    How bout you wash your filthy hands next time you handle your leaf? :wink: Just bad luck mate. Just be glad it was in a semi-small jar!
  6. spartan

    New Picture

    Reminds me of that scene from Harry Potter when the Weasley house was attacked by the Death Eaters. Except everyone had clothes.
  7. spartan

    Pipe smokers under 25 on here???

    You don't have to do that here. We're all pipe smokers and I think we "get it". Outside you may have to defend your choice to smoke a pipe, but not here. :puffy:
  8. spartan

    Pipe smokers under 25 on here???

    26. Still feel like 18.
  9. spartan

    $80 order... $30 delivery. My month is ruined!

    I almost want to work for them just so I can be the only employee who knows what the hell is going on and how to take care of things properly. I don't understand the complete lack of care people have for other people's property. This feeling is for people in general, not just the usps. There...
  10. spartan

    Warning To All Pipe Smokers

    When I prepare food for dinner I like the salad plate to be cold, and I like the plate with my steak on it to be hot. Sometimes I forget that the plate I just pulled out of the oven with my delicious food on it is hot. I've wasted the plate, never waste a steak. Unless you drop it on carpet...
  11. spartan

    Where the heck can I find a completely wooden pipe?

    There's been so many horror stories about MacQueen pipes... I'm honestly baffled why people keep recommending them. :|
  12. spartan

    A Gift From My Neighbor

    I'll be having a glass of it and a pipe after I get home. Just finished watching the walking dead on AMC. If you guys haven't seen it yet... its sooooooooooooooo good! Hot damn the season finale tonight was incredible. Still watching the talking dead. Can't wait to get home for a nice whiskey...
  13. spartan

    What Does It Taste Like to Smoke a Pipe

    It's life changing. It may take some time to find a blend that you think is perfect, but you'll find things along the way to help you out. Call up one of the sponsors on the site that sell pipes and tobacco and let them know you've never smoked a pipe but are interested to try it out without a...
  14. spartan

    A Gift From My Neighbor

    I live in a quaint apartment complex in San Antonio and have very friendly neighbors. And an opportunity opened up two weeks ago this Sunday. Upon coming home from a Walking Dead party I see two of my neighbors drinking some beers and smoking their cigs. We make small talk, I go inside and...
  15. spartan

    Virtues of cellaring tobacco

    They don't make as much money anymore to wait that long on a blend that might not sell? Maybe if pipe smoking gets more popular we will see such things.
  16. spartan

    "The Dilemma of the Frankenstein Pipe Tobacco Mixture ".

    I've done the same thing but with opposite results. All the aromatics I didn't like alone got mixed together, and then the same with every thing else. I find it only necessary to separate them into these two categories. Stick them in a jar and try other blends for 6 months or so, and when I come...
  17. spartan

    New Box Pass Thread

    Not a beer or whiskey in that picture. You sure you're in Austin? Anybody discover their miracle blend in the box pass yet? Or at least something extraordinary? I think the best thing that came of the box pass for me was definitely the discovery that Lakeland are awesome, and Penzance is, most...
  18. spartan

    Ant Hill Art

    I'm really interested in anything insect related. Have been all my life. My wife and I have been aware of these things for a few years and she knows that I want one. Now I just have to wait until it magically arrives in the mail, or I breakdown and see one for sale and buy it first.
  19. spartan

    PM Official Merchandise

    You could always tie-dye it!
  20. spartan

    Pipe Maker Bruce Weaver on Radio Show for March 27, 2014

    Some examples of his work thanks to