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  1. augiebd

    Show off Your Meerschaum Claws Here!

    One I picked up from rebornpipes. Steve replaced the original stem and the new stem really suits the pipe.
  2. augiebd

    Amazing carvings, left unsmoked?

    All my meers have been smoked. I have one briar I haven’t gotten around to smoking but I buy my pipes to smoke. None of mine are in the collectable, don’t smoke category, nothing that valuable.
  3. augiebd

    This is Why they Call it "Missouri Meerschaum".

    Congratulations on kicking the habit. Now you can thoroughly enjoy your pipes.
  4. augiebd

    First live pipe smoker

    Was at the mall food court today (which is a very rare event). At a large table of people visiting, an old gentleman pulls out a pipe and loads it from a leather pouch. A bit later he goes outside with his pipe, is gone for 15 minutes and returns. The pipe was a nice straight sandblast. Nice to...
  5. augiebd

    Displaying Your Tins

    Nice, will keep this idea in mind.
  6. augiebd

    Altinok - 100 Bowls Smoked

    Great looking pipe and the colouring is coming along nicely. Thanks for the update.
  7. augiebd

    200 Smokes in the Owl

    The difference between 100 and 200 is interesting. I like how some of the subtle details are being coloured in.
  8. augiebd

    Missouri Meerschaum Shank Crack

    I have a crack like that in one of my emerald cobs and it hasn’t been smoked a lot. I’m not too concerned, adds character.
  9. augiebd

    Best with Coffee...

    Coffee is my beverage of choice with a pipe…and I haven’t had a tobacco that didn’t match well yet.
  10. augiebd

    Smoking without a Filter

    I haven’t really noticed a difference between filtered and non-filtered pipes. I sometimes get ash at the end if I am distracted and don’t realize the bowl is done and take a larger draw. I second the sipping. You won’t get ash with either if you don’t draw too hard.
  11. augiebd

    Acquired BBB Pipe Without a Stem......

    Amazing story, glad you were able to source a stem. Great to hear about companies that really care about what they do and customers. Thanks for sharing. I have several vintage BBB pipes in my collection. I’m sure you will enjoy this one!
  12. augiebd

    Souvenirs or PAD?

    That is awesome! Pipes I have bought while travelling hold a special spot in my collection.
  13. augiebd

    Any Tea Drinkers?

    I enjoy a variety of teas although I am no connoisseur. I tend to take them without milk or sugar. Lately I have been drinking Genmaicha a lot. It is a comforting, nutty tea.
  14. augiebd

    New Meers

    You can use these to work your way up to a Rich Esserman sized pipe. Very nice training pipes.
  15. augiebd

    Meers are very Durable, Not Fragile - Discuss

    I have found them to be quite durable. I agree with the degree of carving and angle of impact. I think age might be a factor, I have some older ones that have chipped.
  16. augiebd

    Got a package from Turkey...

    Congratulations, a nice example of classic shape.
  17. augiebd

    No Electronic Devices When Smoking A Pipe

    With you on this one, I seldom turn the radio on when driving. Will turn it on if traffic is far from normal to catch a traffic report to see if a new route is needed.
  18. augiebd

    No Electronic Devices When Smoking A Pipe

    I don’t smoke too often so when I do I usually unplug. It is my time to decompress. I enjoy my surroundings but try not to over focus on the pipe smoking technique. The more I just let that happen the smoother it goes. Decompressing from striving for pipe smoking perfection too!
  19. augiebd

    Smoking Larger Pipes

    I also had a pipe from the factory that was completely blocked, had a small piece of metal in it.
  20. augiebd

    If You Could Have Only One...

    For me it would be a Baki meerschaum, still trying to find and buy one but I will love it when I find one. The tobacco would be PS Proper English.