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  1. fr0st

    New Hardcastle Pipes

    I bought a Hardcastle's pipe, (made in London) awhile ago at the local tobacconist and have really enjoyed how it smokes. I have heard that this is a secondary brand to Dunhill and I've found them to be nice pipes within my current budget. Since then I've been scouring ebay for this brand, and...
  2. fr0st

    Peterson Irish Flake

    Are the Peterson (or Erinmore) Virginia/Burley flakes a specific style of tobacco, and/or how does one refer to these as a group?
  3. fr0st

    Peterson Irish Flake

    Today for my birthday I stopped into a tobacconist I had never visited, (Stag in CO Springs) and picked up a new tobacco- Peterson Irish Flake. I asked for something strong and this fits the bill. I smoked a bowl an hour or so ago and feel pretty comfy sitting by the fire. It is the first flake...
  4. fr0st

    Tobacco Blend Recommendations?

    To follow up the Blackhouse:. when I first opened the bag, (bought 2 oz bulk) I thought it had a barnyard smell that was kind of off putting. Now that I've smoked a half dozen bowls over a couple weeks it is quickly becoming the jar I reach for, especially in the evening after work. One thing I...
  5. fr0st

    Over The Counter Satisfaction

    @msandoval: same here, the last 1.5 oz pouch of Captain Black I bought was $8.50, (I wanted to hang out in the smoking lounge at the shop and felt I should buy something). However, even without considering the price I just would rather smoke my favorites, (965, Nightcap, Blackhouse etc). Nothing...
  6. fr0st

    Requesting Some GL Pease Suggestions

    Gaslight is the only Pease blend I've smoked. It's my current favorite for nighttime walks and/or with a nice cup of Lapsang souchong. I'm a huge Latakia fan though, and I doubt it would appeal to someone who does not appreciate that leaf.
  7. fr0st

    One Bulk to Stock

    Dunhill My Mixture 965.
  8. fr0st

    What are You Smoking? ***March 2014***

    Pease's Gaslight with a strong Lapsang Souchong. I am aware of a creeping, specter-like fear that at any moment I will be knocked over in my chair to awake in a softly lit train car rumbling through a foggy night, the steam engine's whistle piercing the opressive darkness like a lonely scream...
  9. fr0st

    Kinnick Kinnick

    Here we have a plant called kinnickinick, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi but it is terrible tasting to smoke, (I tried it as a teenager).
  10. fr0st

    Breath Smoking Question?

    I had never heard of this technique but read about it here this morning. I've been trying it out today and while I don't have it down yet, I find it is an enjoyable way to smoke and very relaxing. Thank you all for the lesson. :)
  11. fr0st

    Looking for a Bulk Alternative to Sutliff Private Stock Blend 5

    I believe that the Blend 5 was made to be similar to Dunhill's My Mixture 965. I greatly prefer 965, which is available in bulk.
  12. fr0st

    965 question

    A little off topic but I smoked a bit of 965 outside at lunch and the girl with an office next to mine walked in a bit ago and said, "it smells like campfire in here, like someone is making smores," =)
  13. fr0st

    Einstein's Desk the Day After His Death

    Some very powerful images there, thank you for sharing.
  14. fr0st

    What are You Smoking? ***March 2014***

    Today I'm smoking the no-name estate billiard I inherited from my father-in-law, (one of my favorite pipes). Today I had Dunhill 965 in it, and right now I am enjoying some gaslight before a BBQ dinner.
  15. fr0st

    What's In The Mail? - March Edition

    Today I received my [comparatively] small order: 10 oz. Dunhill 965 2 oz. Black House 1 Comoy Everyman lovat, (to be restored).
  16. fr0st

    965 question

    I just got in an order of 965 in bulk and am enjoying a pipeful in my Hardcastle billiard, (with some sweet tea on the side). I'm happy to say it tastes like the same blend I know and love!
  17. fr0st

    Dunhill London Mixture

    Well, after letting the London Mixture sit in a mason jar for a week, this morning I took out a bowl and let it dry for half an hour. I am smoking it with my coffee (a fresh ground breakfast blend) and am actually enjoying it quite a bit. The first time I smoked it I think it was too moist and...
  18. fr0st

    My Dunhill MM 965 Moment

    I also really like this blend and just ordered another 10 oz. as I'm running low. I've even been browsing My Mixture memorabilia on ebay!
  19. fr0st

    Tobacco Blend Recommendations?

    They are currently back-ordered on Nightcap & EMP so I scaled back my order, (went with 965 and Black House). Thank you all for your recommendations, I'll have to try some of these other blends another time.