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  1. mpjetset

    How Much is Too Much?

    There are different opinions about this, but since moisture conveys a lot of flavor (and alkaline unfortunately) I like the slowest smoke possible without working at it to distraction. I'm somewhere around 75 minutes in an average American size bowl, always on the verge of a gurgle in many...
  2. mpjetset

    Ten Minute Tiny Pipes

    These four have shallow bowls, especially the two discs. The matching wedding pipes to the left were a gift from the maker. I don't carry them, so when I'm out and about I might use a cobb for a quick bowl because they don't care how fast they're smoked.
  3. mpjetset

    Ten Minute Tiny Pipes

    I was going to say, a clay. That kit is nice!
  4. mpjetset

    What "The Wife" Thinks

    My wife is a former cigarette smoker so of course now any smoke, or farts for that matter, offends her senses. I think she's just jealous and misses our talks at the end of the day over tobacco and alcohol of choice, her with wine and me with rum, rye, or smokey mezcal. I do walk through the...
  5. mpjetset

    What Defines a Good Smoke?

    I have to relax, no kids or work-talk. Otherwise I smoke too fast. It's nice to smoke in solitude.
  6. mpjetset

    What Defines a Good Smoke?

    That is a lot! How do you do it? I picture a brace of pipes in a weathered old leather cross-chest sling, and a sling pouch on the other side with tobacco pouches, lighters, cleaners and NO tamper since you do that with a calloused fingertip. Am I close?
  7. mpjetset

    Where to Go from Aromatics?

    How's the fresh VA No 1 blend being sold now? It was always so good I think of it as an aromatic first and VA second, and I only smoke VAs. There are a couple of tins left from the 1990s somewhere around here but over the years when I find them I smoke them!
  8. mpjetset

    Pipe Collection

    I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Cobbs, clays, or meerschaum, all having places among your briars. For no more than $10 a humble cobb is a necessity for the glove and tackle boxes, or pocket, and there are some VAs that must be sampled in a cobb. Smoke them in the pool, lake, river, ocean...
  9. mpjetset

    Good Coffee & Good Inexpensive Machines?

    My beverage of choice with a pipe is rich, blabk coffee. An Aeropress is a wonderful and very popular coffee maker, which is simple-stoopid (why it's appropriate for me) yet permits no end to dialing-in different experiences in balance, caffeine hit, roasts, and places to brew. All it requires...
  10. mpjetset

    Mark Tinsky Pipes

    This was a year ago, what did you get and how's it going for you?
  11. mpjetset

    Mark Tinsky Pipes

    I know this is an old thread but here goes... "In praise of Mark Tinsky" was a fine old ASP theme and it apparently keeps on in tradition. What you see is what you get with him; he is one of those rare people God put on earth to bless the rest of us. Oh, yes, he also makes fine tobacco pipes by...
  12. mpjetset

    Where are the Pre-9/11 NYC Pipe Club Members?

    Hello and welcome, Mike. Moved this to General, and please make an Introduction. Take a look in the What are you smoking now thread. Hi, Mike Jacobs here, I was active around 2000. Dave? Michael? Who's here?