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  1. prairiedruid

    Interesting Pet Pairings: John Cleese

    Pretty amazing for a man who just "wanted to be a lumberjack"
  2. prairiedruid

    *** What Are You Smoking?*** (August 2015)

    Peter Stokkebye Proper English this morning and some Nougat now in a cob
  3. prairiedruid

    Hunters! It's High Summer...

    I process deer that my boys shoot, caveat being I get the heart in my portion of the meat. Otherwise I get a few squirrels and pheasants each year.
  4. prairiedruid

    *** What Are You Smoking?*** (August 2015)

    Started the morning with a cob full of Proper English Now enjoying some Lane 1-Q in another cob
  5. prairiedruid

    Cigar smoker converting to pipe

    Welcome aboard! I've been only smoking a pipe for 3 months and I started with Early Morning Pipe, London Mixture, and My Mixture 965, all of these are made by Dunhill and can be found at most online shops for like $9 for a 1.75 ounce tin. Buy some pipe cleaners at the same time because I didn't...
  6. prairiedruid

    *** What Are You Smoking?*** (August 2015)

    Proper English in a Great Dane cob
  7. prairiedruid

    Today Was A Good Day

    Nope no AK.....could have done some target shooting with the .22 but sitting on the deck watching the sunset with a pipe full of Proper English was a better choice
  8. prairiedruid

    *** What Are You Smoking?*** (August 2015)

    Now enjoying some PS Luxury Bulls Eye Flake in another new cob a 5th avenue
  9. prairiedruid

    *** What Are You Smoking?*** (August 2015)

    Finished cleaning fish with some Lane 1-Q in a new cob
  10. prairiedruid

    Today Was A Good Day

    Had some 1-Q after cleaning fish and now am really enjoying the Luxury Bulls eye Flake as my after dinner smoke
  11. prairiedruid

    Today Was A Good Day

    Beautiful disabled wife was feeling good so we went to the lake and caught a mess of crappies and perch. Came back home and the tobacco gods had delivered this month's purchases. My "cellar" is up to a pound and a half plus now have some 1-Q, Luxury Bullseye Flake, Proper...
  12. prairiedruid

    Do You Like Blends With Big Billows Of Smoke?

    Sutliff Creme Brulee and PS Nougat can billow the smoke
  13. prairiedruid

    *** What Are You Smoking?*** (August 2015)

    Deception Pass in my briar
  14. prairiedruid

    Smokers' Haven Exotique

    I'm going to need a new notebook to keep track of all these blends I'd like to try.....keep up the good work
  15. prairiedruid

    *** What Are You Smoking?*** (August 2015)

    Started the morning with MM 965 in a cob and now Early Morning Pipe in a briar......yep did it backwards
  16. prairiedruid

    The Happiness Quotient for Smoking is 70%!

    30% happiness level = weepy
  17. prairiedruid

    The Happiness Quotient for Smoking is 70%!

    "In plain English, the FDA estimated a smoker would lose 70 percent of his or her happiness by giving up tobacco in any of its forms. This gave the anti-smoking crowd apoplexy." You're missing reading this......It's not that pipe smokers are 70% happy but take our pipes away and we lose 70% of...
  18. prairiedruid

    *** What Are You Smoking?*** (August 2015)

    MM 965 in my Great Dane cob this morning and now some Deception Pass in a Diplomat cob
  19. prairiedruid

    Life With a Piping Wife

    My wife smokes a pack and a half of Pall Malls everyday so my decision to start smoking a pipe was fine with her. She likes the room note of some of the tobaccos I smoke but hasn't been interested in trying a pipe.......yet