P&C has a 20% off sale on Newminster tobaccos for 1 week. I really enjoy the Peter Stokkebye's Luxury Bulls Eye Flake and was wondering how Newminster's Round Slices compare. They look and sound similar but was wondering if anyone had smoked both to give me some insight.
This forum has played the biggest role in my tobacco selections. Forum member's reviews and comments plus sometimes just scrolling through the "what are you smoking?" topic I'll see a tobacco that sparks my interest. I've used the tobacco review website just to get a fuller understanding of a...
Check the lid to see if it has an intact plastic/rubber seal to keep air out. Also make sure the jar is clean and no odor unless you want to flavor your tobacco. Otherwise it should work. I prefer wide mouth jars for my daily smokes just because it is easier to access.
It's August but here in Minnesota it has felt like late September/October lately and next week looks more of the same. Actually have trees turning colors and dropping leaves already. Long winter ahead.....
Wow......just wow. It's amazing how receptive master blenders are to queries from the forum members and how everyone just does what they can to help out. My hat's off to you gentlemen and look forward to another masterpiece from Russ.