In the past I would enjoy an occasional cigar but didn't pick up the pipe until earlier this year at 45 years of age. Late to the party.....story of my life. :puffy:
Pack it tight in several small jars; that way after some months/years you can open one to enjoy and check aging progress and the others stay sealed and continue aging undisturbed.
No order intended
3 Oaks Syrian
PS Luxury Bulls Eye Flake
MM 965
Elizabethan Mixture
Really hard to limit to 5.....honorable mentions Lane 1-Q, Magnum opus, Westminster, Quiet Nights.
I run a pipe cleaner or 2 down my pipes when I'm done smoking and then after 20-30 smokes I disassemble the pipe and give it a thorough cleaning using bristle pipe cleaners and high proof grain alcohol.....usually vodka in my case.