Astley's 109 in a Savinelli Porto Cervo
gr8scott Can't Leave Feb 19, 2014 360 0 Maryland Nov 22, 2015 #1,041 Astley's 109 in a Savinelli Porto Cervo
newbroom Lifer Jul 11, 2014 6,424 10,791 North Central Florida Nov 22, 2015 #1,042 Captain Earle's Private Stock 5/22/14 in a small cob
jkrug Lifer Jan 23, 2015 2,867 9 Nov 22, 2015 #1,043 Haven't had a bowl yet today but yesterday it was: Baby's Bottom in a Clickklick Lovat - thanks Jud. Stonehaven in a Mark Tinsky sandblasted Canadian - thanks John. Paul's Morning Smoke (mild English) in a Mark Tinsky sandblasted Canadian.
Haven't had a bowl yet today but yesterday it was: Baby's Bottom in a Clickklick Lovat - thanks Jud. Stonehaven in a Mark Tinsky sandblasted Canadian - thanks John. Paul's Morning Smoke (mild English) in a Mark Tinsky sandblasted Canadian.
andystewart Lifer Jan 21, 2014 3,972 5 Nov 22, 2015 #1,044 Sam Gawith Cabbie's Mixture in a part-rusticated, 1/2 bent Blakemar apple. Andy
jah76 Lifer Jun 27, 2012 1,611 35 Nov 22, 2015 #1,045 Butera's Blended Flake in a Castillo billiard. Coffee and enjoying a day of not having to go anywhere.
Butera's Blended Flake in a Castillo billiard. Coffee and enjoying a day of not having to go anywhere.
lordofthepiperings Lifer May 3, 2010 6,553 1,981 Las Vegas, NV Nov 22, 2015 #1,046 It's that time of year again, loaded up some of Straus' holiday blend Wenceslas in an Icarus Bambino corduroy finish Dublin
It's that time of year again, loaded up some of Straus' holiday blend Wenceslas in an Icarus Bambino corduroy finish Dublin
newbroom Lifer Jul 11, 2014 6,424 10,791 North Central Florida Nov 22, 2015 #1,049 another bowl of Private Stock, this time in a no name basic apple meer.
aggravatedfarmer Part of the Furniture Now Sep 9, 2015 865 3 Nov 22, 2015 #1,050 Polished off my tin of FVF in a Charatan's make 320 stack.
papipeguy Lifer Jul 31, 2010 15,777 42 Bethlehem, Pa. Nov 22, 2015 #1,051 English Chocolate in a Brebbia Ninja squat tomato.
andystewart Lifer Jan 21, 2014 3,972 5 Nov 22, 2015 #1,052 A Romeo y Julieta No 2 while watching European Cup Rugby. Then change channels for Broncos v Bears. Great Sunday evening! Andy
A Romeo y Julieta No 2 while watching European Cup Rugby. Then change channels for Broncos v Bears. Great Sunday evening! Andy
pipeboy122 Lifer Jul 6, 2013 3,681 26,233 Nov 22, 2015 #1,053 Mac Baren HH Latakia Flake in a Savinelli Caramella 606
nelsongruber Might Stick Around Aug 11, 2015 50 0 Caracas, Venezuela Nov 22, 2015 #1,054 Just in the middle of a Sutliff Molto Dulce bowl in a Savinelli Punto Oro 611ks with a glass of Venezuela's finest rhum...
Just in the middle of a Sutliff Molto Dulce bowl in a Savinelli Punto Oro 611ks with a glass of Venezuela's finest rhum...
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,771 682,662 Nov 22, 2015 #1,055 Just about finished smoking this bowl of Jim’s A Blend in a three quarter bend smooth 1985 Dunhill Chestnut 5202 with a cumberland stem.
Just about finished smoking this bowl of Jim’s A Blend in a three quarter bend smooth 1985 Dunhill Chestnut 5202 with a cumberland stem.
mso489 Lifer Feb 21, 2013 41,211 60,666 Nov 22, 2015 #1,056 CD Billy Budd in a Johs bent blast Dublin with a rakishly angled brim
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,771 682,662 Nov 22, 2015 #1,057 GQ Christmas Blend 2015 in a 2003 IMP horn Meer. A bottle of Sprite is my drink.
prairiedruid Lifer Jun 30, 2015 2,064 1,396 Nov 22, 2015 #1,058 PS Nougat and now some 3 Oaks Syrian in a cob.
moses Part of the Furniture Now Jan 12, 2013 792 2 Biddeford Nov 22, 2015 #1,059 Just had my first bowl of Beacon Extra, and man is this stuff tasty! Time to put in an order for the cellar. :clap:
Just had my first bowl of Beacon Extra, and man is this stuff tasty! Time to put in an order for the cellar. :clap:
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,771 682,662 Nov 22, 2015 #1,060 Listing this a few minutes early: MacBaren Burley London Blend in a smooth medium bend post-WW2 Pre-Republic Peterson Shamrock Killarney 9BC with a sterling silver band.
Listing this a few minutes early: MacBaren Burley London Blend in a smooth medium bend post-WW2 Pre-Republic Peterson Shamrock Killarney 9BC with a sterling silver band.