Host??? Maybe mentor or even idol? Dare I say god.....
Nate creator of reef, procurer of mass Motzek Strang, host to thousands of tiny creatures, hobbit friend, he who is too worthy of women, protector of penzance,.....
New store in Fairmont, Minnesota. It's a head shop trying to be something more than a head shop. It opened last week and does carry some pipe tobacco supplies. Had some of the really small MM cobs and the larger Fujima cobs plus a display case of Chinese "briar" pipes even a few...
Elizabethan Mixture is the best answer whereas I'd like to mention Peter Stokkebye's Luxury Bulls Eye as a cheaper, sweeter VaPer alternative.
Escudo seems a little harsh fresh but I did get to sample some 5 year old Escudo that was much smoother and deeper in flavor.
Smyrna is definitely my favorite. John Cotton is going to be the tobacco crawl for February and they were saying pipes and cigars will have a bundle special for it around Jan. 20.
The other issue with leaving a pipe out in the cold is bringing it into a warm house. Lots of condensation on a below 0 temperature pipe in a 65 degree room.