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  1. prairiedruid

    *** What Are You Smoking?*** (December 2015)

    Finished some Sextant and now smoking London Mixture in a cob.
  2. prairiedruid

    Best of 2015

    1. Top Blends MM 965 London Mixture 3 Oaks Syrian LBF Sextant 2. Biggest Surprise 3 Oaks Syrian 3. Biggest Disappointment Celtic Talsiman 4. Most Consumed 3 Oaks Syrian 5. Best Pipe Whatever cob I'm currently smoking 6. Honorable Mention for the Year This forum which started me on...
  3. prairiedruid

    London Mixture, Comments?

    I really like London Mixture; a smooth Oriental predominant smoke. MM 965 is meat and potatoes, Nightcap is post big meal/end of day smoke whereas London Mixture is a great anytime smoke; great change of pace for your palate throughout the day. Makes whatever I smoke after it better because I...
  4. prairiedruid

    New Meerschaum Doggie

    Love the look of the stem with the meerschaum.
  5. prairiedruid

    What Are Two Potential Blends to Try in 2016?

    Eagerly awaiting the arrival of War Horse plug. Maybe investigate the mystique that is Black Frigate.
  6. prairiedruid

    Add a rhyme, ruin a tobacco

    Goes well with some Nightfap.
  7. prairiedruid

    Add a rhyme, ruin a tobacco

    War Whores
  8. prairiedruid

    Add a rhyme, ruin a tobacco

    Quiet Wights 3 Oaks Furian Nightfap
  9. prairiedruid

    *** What Are You Smoking?*** (December 2015)

    3 Oaks Syrian in a cob.
  10. prairiedruid

    *** What Are You Smoking?*** (December 2015)

    Enjoyed some PS Nougat and now smoking London Mixture in a cob.
  11. prairiedruid

    Dunhill My Mixture "XMAS" Anyone Have Any Info?

    When you want to surprise that special someone with Mixture 79 Christmas morning! :lol:
  12. prairiedruid

    Starting A Cellar

    Sometimes you get lucky and get aged tobacco when you order. The last tin of Elizabethan Mixture I received was tinned over 2 years before. I'm cellaring some 3 Oaks Syrian but plan to smoke it long before it fades in 10-15 years. It's tasty now and will run out of production in the next...
  13. prairiedruid

    *** What Are You Smoking?*** (December 2015)

    Magnum Opus in a cob.
  14. prairiedruid

    *** What Are You Smoking?*** (December 2015)

    Finished a cob full of Proper English and now enjoying some Sextant in a cob.
  15. prairiedruid

    *** What Are You Smoking?*** (December 2015)

    London Mixture in a cob.
  16. prairiedruid

    Mccelland Scottish woods- Syrian Latakia!!??

    It's Cyprian latakia per pipes and cigars.
  17. prairiedruid

    Early Observations

    You could always rub latakia in your beard... :P I smoke an average of between 3-6 bowls a day.....some days not at all.....some days quite a bit.
  18. prairiedruid

    E-Cigs Linked To "Popcorn Lung"

    I had a history teacher in college that liked to say that political philosophies can be lined up on a circle. Independents are the north pole, liberals phase to the west(left), conservatives to the east(right), socialism then communism towards the southwest and fascism to the south east. Keep...