Growing tobacco in early America.
20 min youtube video from a historical reenactor about tobacco in George Washington's time. I guess Martha really liked her snuff.
"We talk to walls" was the motto of my high school speech team. Go to a meet and there are hundreds of kids having serious discussions with inanimate objects.
Could be the mold spores were already on/in the tobacco before you even got it. Mold spores are everywhere and can be inactive for long periods of time before "waking up". As to smoking it......since it was fruiting it means you'll be smoking mold spores; not usually a good thing. Some people...
Grey Gale: High nicotine pressed bar of tobacco goodness. So strong the room will spin and you'll realize you're not in Kansas anymore. You have overdosed if you see flying monkeys.
So many ways to go......
Bengal Slices for a very distinctive latakia blend, John Cotton's Smyrna for a great oriental blend, Black Frigate is a delicious rum latakia crumble cake, and Peter Stokkebye's LBF, LNF, and LTF
I always thought it was sodomy and then cannibalism; thanks for clearing this up deathmetal! :crazy:
Elizabethan Mixture, LBF, Davidoff Medallions, GLP Montgomery is good as well.
Dang nabit I need to find better guards for my "salt" mine. I swear they roll around on the syrian latakia on their breaks instead of drinking their maple-ade,
If you enjoy the way the first 3/4 of the bowl smokes and have to dump the last bit I wouldn't worry about it. You're dumping 5-10 cents worth of tobacco. Sort of like trying to not having relights; sometimes it seems people get too hung up about smoking every last bit of tobacco. If you are...