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  1. aquadoc

    I'm Needing Some Help w/GH&C Cherry Blends

    I prefer Sakura over Top Black Cherry but it is a close contest.
  2. aquadoc

    Gawith, Hoggarth & Co. - Exclusive Black Cherry

    1. Sakura 2. GW Top Black Cherry
  3. aquadoc

    Fabulous Site!

    Get yourself a Chromebook for the internet. $200 will suffice.
  4. aquadoc

    Fabulous Site!

    I agree that the phone experience is much slower...but all I have is time it seems. But, it is light years faster/easier to use on my computer. My only gripe, and it is a small one, is the inability to search on 3 or 4 letter words/acronyms/initials...but there is an easy workaround. All in...
  5. aquadoc

    A Law Is Passed Making Pipe Tobacco Illegal- How Does Your Life Change?

    I become an outlaw. It wouldn't be the first time.
  6. aquadoc

    KBV Sakura

    What is their instagram account?
  7. aquadoc

    KBV Sakura

    I will go back and see if I can order more. It had moved down the page when I checked. Maybe reflecting things in carts but not sold in the end.
  8. aquadoc

    KBV Sakura

    I think I got the last 4ounces of the Sakura. Looking forward to this arriving.
  9. aquadoc

    If You Could Ask Ken Burns To Make A Documentary For You, What Topic Would You Choose?

    1. History of Fried Foods....fried green tomatoes, fried okra... 2. History of Shrimp....baked shrimp, boiled shrimp, raw shrimp, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan-fried, deep-fried, stir-fried. There’s pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup...
  10. aquadoc

    All About Bob’s Flake

    Square Cut vs regular Flake? Has anyone tried both?
  11. aquadoc

    New Warped Tobaccos

    Anyone that bought it and does not like it, I will be happy to trade for or buy your tins.
  12. aquadoc

    Buffalo Trace V Wild Turkey V Jim Beam White Label.

    High West Ryes are a top choice. Weller Antique is an excellent wheated Bourbon.
  13. aquadoc

    Backpacking Blend Suggestion

    Unlike my compatriots, I would bring a tobacco I enjoy and if you want to try a new one, bring it along too. Just do not be stuck with a new smoke as your only blend on the chance you will not like it...or even despise. Personally, I take 5-6 small 1/2 oz tins just to cover the bases. My mood...
  14. aquadoc

    Anyone Ever Use This “Hard Rubber Deoxidizer” On Your Stems?

    A lighter? Please explain. Would love to try this.
  15. aquadoc

    Your Favorite B&M Tobacconist?

    Peretti's. I recently moved to NH and only an hour from Boston. They are helpful if always Bostonian in a gruff sorta way. Watch City might be in the running but I have not visited .... yet.
  16. aquadoc

    Let's See Your Most Embarassing / Worst Pipe

    Yes, 100%. I should have typed seawater since I have spent most of my life either in it growing up or conducting research as an adult. Good catch.
  17. aquadoc

    Let's See Your Most Embarassing / Worst Pipe

    The white structures are most likely from tubeworms and indicate that the pipe was underwater for quite a bit of time. Many native American tribes made stone/soapstone pipes in the southwest.
  18. aquadoc

    Favorite Bulk Aromatics?

    I have the dream .... and I think dream refers to nightmares. The exotic orange is the bomb of this genre.
  19. aquadoc

    Jim's C&D Visions of Celephais Review.

    Well, I smoke it in my cob that is ruined by the latakia overlord ghost. The grape has no chance to overwhelm the latakia.
  20. aquadoc

    Favorite Bulk Aromatics?

    I like to mix in a little Virginia that has some age on it. Also, try Devils is very berryish but not cloying.