Personally i pick one pipe a day, ive been told m=by my pipe mentors that it doenst matter how many times a day you smoke a pipe, it is how many days in a row, what i understand is that you go no more than two days in a row, and you let it reast about 12 hours per bowl smoked at minimum...
Nope, i clean the reservoir with a qtip everytime i smoke, ive been practicing slow smoking for contests so im definitely not smoking too hot and i personally smoke only virginians, and i have another pipe for the occasional rum and maple. This pipe usually lasts about 30-45 minutes, it is a...
hey everybody, just want some opinions on a problem im having with one of my pipes, its a peterson 313. I bought this pipe as my first brand new pipe and ive had it about a month and a half, and have smoked it about 20 times. It smokes pretty bad. At frst it had a bad taste but i cleaned the...
For me, its not so much what blend, as what pipe. I like my most comfortable broken in pipe, and some sort of sweet virginian. Maybe Orlik. Maybe an aro, love rum and maple. But like i said, what pipe, not what blend. I find more comfort in a pipe