I'm really sorry to hear about your wife's battle with cancer.
I have a cousin in the same boat.
She has had 3 really serious bouts and has gone into remission all three times...
Then she broke her shoulder... "If it wern't for bad luck...."
My family knows just how tough it is.
We here wish for nothing but the best for her, and you.
This site may be a source of emotional support for your wife, you, your family, and friends.
I know it was a big help for my cousin.
Please follow the link, there is a lot there that is of material assistance.
It really can be a big help.
Here is a link everyone should visit and click the
Click Here to Give - it's FREE to "Fund Mammograms For Women In Need". Just because it's the right thing to do. (I keep it in my Bookmarks and click it first thing when I boot up every day... Takes about 3 seconds and you could be saving a life.)