My wife surprised me with the Cobra last year for my birthday. Honestly it's a pipe that I would have never picked out for myself but it's much nicer in person. It's turned into a really nice flake pipe.
Freddy welcome aboard.
Just a tip. Don't be too hasty on judging your tobacco. Sometimes its better in a different pipe, needs a different prep method, or just plain didn't work out for that particular bowl.
There's some stuff I almost tossed but instead I've come back too later on and really...
Fishers right. Your cadence of your puffs also changes the taste of the tobacco. All fast and hot you cause the leaf to burn faster. Oils, sugars, etc get burnt up quickly instead of slowly and it can completely destroy the flavor. By keep the tobacco burning at an even and smooth rate, you...
Hey Chopsie.
You've already gotten some great suggestions on tins so I'll toss out a bulk idea.
If they're available try Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bulleye Flake and Luxury Navy Flake. LBF tends to be grassier to me while LNF is fruitier. I also notice the Perique more in LBF. In my opinion the...
A late welcome aboard!
I still enjoy my MM corn cob pipe and I like the way some of the hay like notes from some Virginia's come out of it. There's a "taste" you get from the cob that compliments it for me.
I've got a conference to go to this week in Bloomington Indiana and besides Briar and Burley are their any other shops to hit? I'm stuck car pooling in a city vehicle so between that and the conference I don't have a ton of time.
I'm not really in need of a new pipe but any recommendations on...
I've only been smoking a few months but I find Double Cheeseburgers far more addicting then my pipes. I never get cravings to smoke my pipe. There are times when it would be "perfect" but sometimes waiting and looking forward to that bowl is a treat too.
But I ALWAYS want a cheeseburger.
I'm like you dragon. The sheer delight I get from a $4 bulk purchase just can't be beat. I've spent the last few months zeroing in my taste buds on what I enjoy.
PS Luxury Navy Flake in my Peterson XL315. This tobacco is starting to grow on me and I'll prob order some for the cellar. I keep finding a fruit-like taste in it.