I have several of each and have noticed a consistent practical difference in that my Petersons all have their holes (bowl to stem) drilled about an eighth of an inch higher than the Savinellis. I like to finish my tobacco to the last morsel, so the Petersons generally take a bit more manouvering...
If you find yourself standing outside your office in the dark a half hour past quitting time to finish off a bowl of tobacco started at lunch you are deffinity a pipe smoker.
I'm enjoying a fine Italian pipe filled with 7 Seas Regular as I write this. It is definitely different from my normal blend and I didn't care for it at first, but now it's a real keeper.
Sarchasm is the last refuge of those who are both angry and impotent. Our little reviewer should consider finding himself a Valium and a Louis Lamour novel.
The most remarkable thing about the collection is the uniqueness of each individual piece. You have the spirit of an artist within you, Sir. Beautiful!
I save up my squirrel money and purchase all pipe related merchandise on a cash basis. By the time she notices a pipe, I can honestly tell her, "This thing? I've had it for years". Of course, if she ever discovers this web site, I'm dead meat.
I also am partial to the bulldog. Yours seems to have a deeper bowl than most, which is an especially generous design option. Great find that should be a warm, cozy smoker. Well done!