Cigar Warehouse Cigar Blend. Very smooth cigar filler chopped with gold Cavendish. Aged for 6 months. Really taking me back to when I was a cigar hound.
Seriously, I read that using product such as Biotene, which promote salivation, is product which promote oral health is a good product for pipe and cigar smokers, and have been using it for years.
I think it is a question of how much one salivates. Some blends cause me to salivate more. The same as some foods do also. Maybe I was popular with the ladies because of this :) Insert joke.
When I rehydrate tobacco that is too dry, I put the tobacco in a bowl, and place a damp paper towel on top. I may dampen the towel with whiskey and see what happens.
Another thing I enjoy is reading about the history of pipe smoking, and tobacco. There are several sites that feature historical pipes, and pipe smoking, as well as books. I especially like reading about the 18th and 19th century, when all gentlemen were taught how to smoke pipes, and taught...
One problem I have had in the past is when I travel to a small town, such as beach towns, and when visiting relatives. I never seem to take enough of my favorite tobaccos, and pipe cleaners. That is when I am damn glad to find some Captain Black, but sometimes it is hard to find pipe cleaners.