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  1. W

    Any Advice on Quitting Cigarettes?

    In Britain they recommend vaping to quit smoking. Studies showed it is way less harming. Naturally no nicotin or at least nothing going into your lung is the best. But vaping is still much better then the coffin nails. To be fair I enjoyed my time as a smoker. It sounds stupid but it was part of...
  2. W

    Any Advice on Quitting Cigarettes?

    So maybe a little update: was not smoking a lot of pipes as I have colds after colds and our baby is keeping us busy. For a pipe I need time and no stress. I picked up vaping as some suggested. I smoke way less cigarettes and soon will be committed not to buy any more cigs. I still love my pipe...
  3. W

    Which Tobacco after Which Meal?

    I Never thought a tobacco taste and smells like a barbecue. But kentucky baccy can. And even we are masters in austria regarding barbecue sausage nothing is better then a real American barbecue! You will probably hate me but Americans don't have a lot of cuisine but nobody can beat you guys how...
  4. W

    Which Tobacco after Which Meal?

    Sadly none I can get in austria! You wanna be my Secret Santa:p ;)
  5. W

    Double Edged Razor Blades

    Looks beautiful!
  6. W

    Which Beverage with which Tobacco?

    I tell another secret: in every story from the beginning of time there is always a victim, a bad guy and a rescuer ;) and they even often change position.
  7. W

    Which Beverage with which Tobacco?

    Well we are social animals who want to share ourself and get response. Just imagine you ask somebody how he is and he either answers: told you yesterday or even worse won't answer ar all ;) I could go on now about transaction analysis of Eric Berne . The need of strokes through communication...
  8. W

    Which Beverage with which Tobacco?

    Well ottakringer,wieselburger,hirter,puntigamer for Austrian beer Czech: real budweiser,stare brno , pilner urquel :) hope you can get some of em :) Otherwise maybe for next Secret Santa;)
  9. W

    Which Beverage with which Tobacco?

    Well to be fair let's compare it to music. Basically all cords are already played. We can just change nuances;) So yeah it's not quite new but as there are surely new members and taste changes over time it is interesting.
  10. W

    Which Beverage with which Tobacco?

    Try Austrian beer. It's better or czech
  11. W

    Which Beverage with which Tobacco?

    As stated how do you pair Virginias, vapers, burley, dark fired k, orient, latakia , aros? I hope for an inspiring great discussion.
  12. W

    How Many Bowls do You Smoke a Day?

    As I m now becoming a psychotherapist I can give you half right. Yes in the end its yours choice but on the other side most of the famous psychotherapist were very hard smokers :D just think of freud who smoked liked 20 cigars a day. Also berne, jung, perls smoked constantly. This are people...
  13. W

    How Many Bowls do You Smoke a Day?

    Congrats to be a surviver. I think you are doing the right thing. 1 bowl a day won't kill you but you can enjoy life. Once a week makes it even more special. Good luck to your plan!
  14. W

    How Many Bowls do You Smoke a Day?

    Wow that is quite a long time for a pipe. I think mz max was 60 min for one bowl.
  15. W

    How Many Bowls do You Smoke a Day?

    Thank you! It will be a journey but if I can quit cigarettes inside my home and just smoke occasionally outside cigarettes I achieved my first goal!
  16. W

    Isn't This Ironic... Too Stressed to Smoke! Happy Holidays!

    All the best to you and your family! May the pipe smoke give you good insight! Ps: your kid is always your responsibility! Age makes no difference. You took a responsibility for life. At least I see it that way. All the best
  17. W

    How Many Bowls do You Smoke a Day?

    So I already thought about stopping cigarettes and just smoking pipes. Already posted about it here. Well did not work yet. ;) But I m thinking for next year just smoke pipe at home and only outside turn to the coffin nails. Maybe which is important is that I roll my cigs by myself. Thin and...
  18. W

    Clumping Tobacco: Uneven Pack? [at Bottom of the Bowl.]

    Changed my pipe smoking forever!
  19. W

    Which GL Pease Should I Buy?

    So summit up all gl are enjoyable of the tobacco huber sells :D well I have to see what I taste first. To be honest collecting tobacco is kinda addicting. It s so fun to jar em (aros and none aros) and sort em. And if I have the time for tobacco I can go to em like to a bookshelf and see what...