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  1. J

    Pros and Cons of Meer Lined Pipes

    I guess all forums have fascist mods who stifle free speech 😆 Edit: You made your point. Insults deleted.
  2. J

    Inherited Pipe Collection- Please Help ID

    110% in agreement with this gentleman. Close up pics of each are a must. The belge looking cased meer looks nice 👍🏻
  3. J

    Peterson 2024 POY Release

    Hey Stan how's it going buddy 😎👍🏻
  4. J

    How Often do you Really Need to Clean your Pipe?

    What idea? A cooler, drier smoke? 😆 They also make system pipes that take 9mm filters
  5. J

    How Often do you Really Need to Clean your Pipe?

    Using the system pack to avoid charring the draft hole helps And just cleaning the reservoir with a pipe cleaner you can use paper towel but I find that always leaves small bits of paper in the reservoir. Besides...
  6. J

    Hello From Canada

    Welcome from northern Manitoba
  7. J

    Show Off Your Petersons Here!

    Finishing this bowl of 1792 flake breaking in this newly arrived today Heritage POTY #298/1100 👌🏻 This has a much larger weargap than my Terracotta does but it's a smooth draw and building moisture in the reservoir so I might not make any changes to er, time will tell.
  8. J

    Show Off Your Petersons Here!

    Give this a look over and it'll further improve your enjoyment.
  9. J

    Show Off Your Petersons Here!

    Nope. Graduated bore P Lip is a requirement to meet the System design that Charles Peterson patented. Otherwise it's just a reverse calabash. I would go further to say that without a chimney or "tubular extension" as it was described in the original patents, that sits in the reservoir below the...
  10. J

    Show Us Your Most Prized Pipe!

    My birth year Peterson Deluxe 4s
  11. J

    Toughest Pipe Smoking SOB in Movies.

    If you don't know, watch the Count Dankula Mad Lads episode on Sir Christopher Lee on youtube, when the James Bond character is loosely based off of you (Lee and Ian Flemming were related), you're a badass and one tough MOFO
  12. J

    Show Off Your Petersons Here!

    I've heard of it but I've never had it happen to me with any Pete I've ever owned, that isn't to say it isn't possible though just my personal experience.
  13. J

    ***What Are You Smoking, September 2024?***

    Aged Escudo for this beautys maiden voyage 👌🏻
  14. J

    Show Off Your Petersons Here!

    A bit late to the party because I live in the middle of fkn nowhere Northern Canada but here she is, 1014/1100 POTY in all her Terracotta beauty 👍🏻
  15. J

    How Often do you Really Need to Clean your Pipe?

    I smoke Peterson System pipes 95% of the time and besides cleaning the reservoir out with a pipe cleaner immediately after smoking I've never really needed to do much else. A cleaner through the stem every 5th smoke or so and that's it. As for my meerschaums I just keep the bowl relatively cake...
  16. J

    What is Your Lighter of Choice?

    My Peterson old boy style pipe lighter, works without issues, lasts a good while on a single fill, second one when I know I'll be outside and it's really windy is my Pete Geek zippo with pipe insert.
  17. J

    Show Off Your Petersons Here!

    Grabbed this 150 short today from Thomas Hinds tobacconist in Winnipeg because I always wanted one of these short bulldogs
  18. J

    Interesting Completed Ebay Auctions - British Pipes

    It is the shippers fault that stem should have been removed and carefully wrapped in layers for protection as amber is very fragile. Man, this breaks my heart as a Peterson and Meerschaum lover, I'm going to go be angry over this for you now just because 😑