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  1. S

    St Louis Pipe Show

    Thanks to all who came and enjoyed our show.We had a great turnout.Hope to see everyone in Chicago! Lowell and Diane(Monjure's Tobacco Lady)
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    First Pipe

    Still got it.
  3. S

    First Pipe

    I know u all remember.On my 17 birthday,went to Sands Drug Store,bought a Graybow,with a free pouch of something,or maybe I bought the tobacco and got the pipe free,Anyway,it cost a whole dollar!(1970) shakey
  4. S

    You're on a desert island

    Movie,Suvivors(Honky Mo FO)Album Aqualung.
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    How Do I find my older post?

    Thanks,it worked,
  6. S

    Cleaning perspex stem

    Someone mentioned some chemical a while back.Anyone?
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    How Do I find my older post?

    Looking to find an older post to see if any responses.
  8. S

    Cleaning perspex stem

    Any sure fire way to get the brown out of perspex and light colored lucite stems?I've tried bleach,bakingsoda and scrubby pipe cleaners. shakey
  9. S

    Welcome New Members. Introduce Yourself. (2)

    Lowell Tebbetts,From The St Louis Pipe Club.Wife sells tobacco for Steve Monjure at some of the shows.
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    Pipe Unknown

    Thanks,I do remember him saying it was a Jacapo.I love this pipe,the logo messed me up,don't remember Jacapos woth that logo. Lowell
  11. S

    Pipe Unknown

    Bought a while back from Patrick Dennis.Calabash with 221 B Baker Street on silver band.Logo dot silver with tan insert.Stamped Meteoria Cogli?Anyone know who madee this pipe?