I know u all remember.On my 17 birthday,went to Sands Drug Store,bought a Graybow,with a free pouch of something,or maybe I bought the tobacco and got the pipe free,Anyway,it cost a whole dollar!(1970)
Methinks you won't get that deal these days... more's the pity.
Do you still have that pipe?
My first pipe was an Orlik 3/4 oz. Alas it has gone to the great briar forest in the sky.
My first was an S&R "Yard Pipe" straight pot. It is a truely brilliant piece of briar in every way. Still have it but need to do some restoration this winter.
My first was a 30 dollar 'basket pipe'. It smoked well enough to convince me to buy a couple more... and that was before the PAD started....
I haven't smoked it for a few months now, because it's got 'loose stem syndrome'. I know from reading you guys that all I need is a bit of beeswax and it'll be right as rain, but since my other two pipes have been burning like champions, I haven't been highly motivated!
This thread is reminding me to get it back into the rotation!
Ah, my first pipe. Got it from my nearest B&M for 25 bucks. It's a no name pipe, stained red and is still actively in my rotation...but since it is only around a year old that isn't too special.
A corncob from Ernie's Texaco across the street, filled with Middleton's Cherry Blend.
It was the summer of 1967 and I was 14 years old,....if I didn't puke, I was darned close to it.
My first pipe and with several others were "commandeered" in Viet Nam to smoke "other stuff". Fortunately, Iwan Ries was good about shipping to APO addresses.
My first pipe was a bent $8 basket pipe. Two days ago, after three smokes it cracked while trying to get a horrible smell out of it. If I had found this site earlier, I would have bought a starter kit with a decent pipe and tobacco.
I had been a cigar fan for years when something came over me and I bought my first pipe at a Fedmart supermarket when I was in college (circa 1975). It was a Missouri Meerschaum cob that was of a higher quality than they make now. It had a decent hard plastic black saddle bit (wide) and it came in a decorated pasteboard box with a glassine window! I filled it mainly with Paladin BlackCherry (when I couldn't afford a decent cigar).
And I still have it. It's "retired" now. I have about 6 newer M-Ms in my smoking rack (with Walker "forever" stems that each cost more than all the cobs did).