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  1. DrBryant

    Show Off Your Petersons Here!

    I had a similar list. I started thinking I needed a Peterson rusticated and wanted another system pipe to run English blends through. Really fell in love with this 302 on SPC. Seen here with GLP Quiet Nights. It smokes real fine right out of the box too.
  2. DrBryant

    Peterson Silver Spigots Update?

    I am with you there. Part of the appeal of a Pete (or at least I was under the impression) was the muscular shank. That is certainly a large part of my attraction to the XL02, and part of that look is having the muscularity extending into the stem.
  3. DrBryant

    Peterson Silver Spigots Update?

    I missed the fact that the system spigots were using vulcanite p-lip stems. I’ll be needing to pick up a 314 and 302 now!
  4. DrBryant

    TAD Acquisitions 2024

    The wife did some Valentine’s/IPSD shopping as a surprise. Orders all finally arrived today. This is a particularly lovely D15.
  5. DrBryant

    Show Off Your Petersons Here!

    Why does this remind me of a Dunmore?
  6. DrBryant

    PSA Cult Blood Red Moon Back in Stock at

    I had an alert set but P&C never notified me. I just happened to noticed while checking to see what was on sale this week. Enjoy, friends.
  7. DrBryant

    ***What Are You Smoking, February 2024?***

    Finished cleaning this Peterson spigot XL02 yesterday. Enjoying it for the first time at the lake after a morning of gardening. Here it is at the end of a bowl of Peterson EMP. Fantastic smoker, only one relight for this robust bowl.
  8. DrBryant

    Curious about Nomenclature on Peterson

    The fineness mark changed from the Harp Crowned to '925' in 2003. I also think the 'I' date letter is not slanted enough to be 1994, but that is very hard to tell from smoothed silver.
  9. DrBryant

    Curious about Nomenclature on Peterson

    After looking through all of SPC's current smooth spigots and finding all have a 'SPIGOT' stamp, I have found this older walnut spigot estate Hard to tell but looks like it may be from 2008. Old style P, no...
  10. DrBryant

    Curious about Nomenclature on Peterson

    Thanks @AroEnglish I have found this walnut XL02 from 2019 and a red spigot XL90 from 2019 They both have Spigot stamped under...
  11. DrBryant

    Curious about Nomenclature on Peterson

    Here is a photo of the silver hallmark
  12. DrBryant

    Curious about Nomenclature on Peterson

    I received this rather dirty XL02 Spigot in the mail today. The silver hallmark is the 2019 “I” so it is not an old pipe but the stamp uses the old style P. I thought this stamp was used for commemorative series, but I cannot find info on such a series in 2019 that would have this stamp...
  13. DrBryant

    ***What Are You Smoking, February 2024?***

    Peterson’s EMP in a Arte basket pipe. This has become my go to when I don’t want to babysit the pipe, just mindlessly puff. Taken earlier today directly before walking to the lake and catching a mess of crappie.
  14. DrBryant

    ***What Are You Smoking, February 2024?***

    Ending my night with a bowl of Peterson’s Early Morning Pipe and a bottle of Trappistes Rochefort 8. Cheers!
  15. DrBryant

    Speak Friend And Enter

    It certainly works for goblins and the majority of men-folk! It is a good theory, lets apply it to the likes of the Witch King of Angmar. He can surely understand an old elvish dialect, but would he utter the words? Would his tainted heart allow him to speak of such things as friends?
  16. DrBryant

    Using AI Engines in the Pipe and Tobacco World

    The topic is “Using AI Engines in the Pipe and Tobacco World.” Commenting your thoughts on the ethics of such use is very much on topic.
  17. DrBryant

    Speak Friend And Enter

    You know it always struck me, if Gandalf had just read the door’s inscription aloud, it would have opened immediately. Seems like not such a good locking spell.
  18. DrBryant

    ***What Are You Smoking, February 2024?***

    Bowl of 2018 Bayou Morning Flake in a ‘75 Peterson Premier shape 313.
  19. DrBryant

    ***What Are You Smoking, February 2024?***

    Great way to start the weekend. Sutliff chocolate supreme in a Savinelli 607 KS.
  20. DrBryant

    ***What Are You Smoking, February 2024?***

    I was very fortunate to be gifted several aged tins from an older gentleman’s cellar last month. I posted most of the haul in the TAD thread. I’m taking my time enjoying it all.