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  1. briarcub73

    Kilted men?

    I never thought I'd try on a kilt, let alone wear one every day (thanks to the rather relaxed dress code at my office ;-) ) I tried on my first Utilikilt last year on the Friday before Memorial day at an event in Chicago and it has led to a dozen more since then. I've got a few Utilikilt...
  2. briarcub73

    St Louis Pipe Show

    Kevin, It was a real treat getting to meet you at the show, and I can tell you had as good a time as everyone else, and I hope you can make it back next the meantime, see you in Chicago--probably not wearing the red kilt, though, LOL! Tom
  3. briarcub73

    Favorite Pipe Smoking Musician

    I'd like to add Kevin Yost to the list here. I met him at the 1997 Columbus pipe show--he beat me to a Ser Jacopo MaximaMaxima bulldog, and I haven't let him forget it ever since, LOL! Photo of Kevin here
  4. briarcub73

    I lost my mind

    Howdy there Chuck! Much as I love my Old Boys, getting to the bottom of a tall bowl (like that bottomless Ardor cobra, LOL!) seems to be problematic for me using one of those. I'm glad you got it to work, though :-) The barbecue/candle lighter option isn't a bad one, as are the fireplace...
  5. briarcub73

    Kansas City Pipe Show 2010

    The dates are June 26-27--it's a nice little two-day show :-) There should be a link to it on the Events section of the site here :-D
  6. briarcub73

    Welcome new members. Introduce yourselves.

    Thanks so much! I'm more than happy to take my place among the misfits :-D (Tom here, btw :-) )
  7. briarcub73

    2010 Chicago Pipe Show PAD (Photo Intensive)

    The Dunhills are pretty amazing, haunted! The Luciano Pokers are absolutely beautiful, as is the Gilbert pipe, Bob :-) I ended up going nuts at the show as well (seven Ardors and a Mickles) but I only *intended* to get one Ardor...a couple of years ago, I picked up this: right before the St...
  8. briarcub73

    Welcome new members. Introduce yourselves.

    Hello all, I've lurked from time to time for the last couple of months, and as a reward for completing the semester, I finally joined. I've enjoyed pipes and tobaccos since I was very young, and I enjoy collecting and traveling to the various pipe shows in the area (St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas...
  9. briarcub73

    PAD Purchases

    Wow--those are some pretty awesome pictures, everyone! This is a(n, admittedly lousy) picture of my PAD purchase from the Chicago pipe show and I hope it didn't turn out *too* bad...
  10. briarcub73

    Pictures of my pipes

    Those are some great photos! It took a while to get through all of these (I finally joined after lurking for a few months, and now that finals are done for the semester...) I don't have anything 'recent' to share here, but I found a picture a friend of mine took at the KC show in 2003. Having...
  11. briarcub73

    Kansas City Pipe Show 2010

    Howdy all, Is anyone here planning to come to their show? It's a bit of a drive for us from the cornfields of central Illinois, but I've been most years since they started (1998-2003, 2006) and it has always been a great time!
  12. briarcub73

    Chicago Pipe Show May 14 & 15, 2011

    Woohoo! The show will actually be after my final exams for a change :-) (not that it ever stopped me before, but it's one less thing to feel guilty about, LOL!)