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  1. JackOrion

    Waxing the Pipe

    This is the gloss terracotta Squire. A decent mirror for hand polishing.
  2. JackOrion

    Waxing the Pipe

    Today I spent some time waxing 3 pipes. I used a furniture/floor wax made up of Carnauba and distilled pine resin…. gum turpentine along with petroleum distillates. It’s a paste wax that I’ve been using on my shop saw surfaces for decades. After researching and looking into all of the different...
  3. JackOrion

    Who is the Greatest Living Artisan Pipe Maker?

    Me! Except I retired before I made my first pipe.
  4. JackOrion

    My Huge Score.

    I looked at that collection around a month ago. I was a bit suspicious why he was letting it go for so little. When I told him I simply wasn’t confident about the whole collection he confessed I was making the right decision. He said there was an issue with his dog but everything should be fine...
  5. JackOrion

    Can a Pipe be Faulty?

    Well, the Savinelli I dropped and broke its tendon is now faulty. Of course not by my doing……
  6. JackOrion

    Does Cellaring Make Sense if You are Still Finding your Palate?

    I have a bunch of non aromatic blends sitting in boxes that I’ve yet to try. I’ll buy blends that get consistent favorable reviews as well as blends that are assumed to age well. When I place an order it’s usually some balance of tobacco I favor and something I want to try or a new release...
  7. JackOrion

    Peterson 2024 St. Patrick's Day Pipe

    It’s growing on me
  8. JackOrion

    ***What Are You Smoking, January 2024?***

    Moose has her very own ‘approval’ stamp!! She definitely approves of Bengal Slices in a Ser Jacopo coral dot Bulldog.
  9. JackOrion

    Buy the Best and Cry Once?

    I certainly apply the buy once cry once philosophy to fly fishing. My collection of top shelf rods, reels, boots and waders is all kinds of ridiculous especially when considering where I live. Pipes, I’ve yet to go new Costello big, but the pipes in my collection I’d consider nice and I don’t...
  10. JackOrion

    Do All Old People Like Butterscotch?

    Liked it when I was a kid and I like it now. If only there were butterscotch gummy bears!!
  11. JackOrion

    High School

    I miss it looking back. More so just being a kid. All the new discoveries. Girlfriends….. music. Then it makes me think of junior and grade school. What I miss most from that time are my grandparents. Grandpa taking me fishing and the truest kindness of grandma. I miss playing D&D in the 6th...
  12. JackOrion

    Pipes in Artwork

    Not an artist's painting rather the man himself as an artist. The lovely Ron Carter. If you aren’t already familiar check out the Ser Jacopo ‘Picta’ series. Giancarlo’s interpretations of pipes on canvas.
  13. JackOrion

    What Are You Listening To - January, 2024

    I just listened to and watched, Robert Fripp on Daryl Hall’s house show. They played Red and it was fantastic.
  14. JackOrion

    Does the Quality of a Pipe Increase with its Price?

    Absolutely, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to smoke much better. So much of a good smoke depends on much more than the pipe. I’m sure there are a few pipers that wouldn’t give up their favorite cob for anything. That said, tangible quality is easily measured and it’s always going to come at a...
  15. JackOrion

    Perfume on Pipe!

    Any time doodoo and pipes are mentioned in the same post I can’t help but think of the dirtiest man. A nomad that walked the earth and smoked dung from his pipe. Haunting.
  16. JackOrion

    Peterson 125th Anniversary Premier

    I saw 86/330 a 314 shape listed on SP about one hour into January the 4th. As tired eyed as I was, certainly I hadn’t seen it previously listed. I’ve been scanning the 125th anniversary’s regularly and it instantly caught my eye. I wasn’t about to sleep on it and quickly snatched it up. I can’t...
  17. JackOrion

    ***What Are You Smoking, January 2024?***

    Red Rapparee in an ebony Lestrade
  18. JackOrion

    What are You Reading Now?

    A River Never Sleeps- Roderick Haig-Brown