The situation is still underestimated. When Mac Baren took over Planta most of their blends disappeared. The difference here is that Mac Baren still had competition from STG after 2018. The situation now is much more severe: not only will the Mac Baren blends disappear, but STG + Mac Baren have 60% market share in the UK, on the continent probably even more.
STG created a monopoly on pipe tobacco.
The coin cuts from Mac Baren (Dark Twist, Stockton, Club Blend, Latakia Blend, Roll Cake, Vanilla/Classic Roll Cake) are completely different from the STG coins (made from pressed/flake tobacco). Hand-picked whole-leaf Virginia is needed, I bet once production ends it will be very hard to source that again.
The machine to produce those blends was deemed problematic under occupational safety / labour protection points of view even in the early 2010s. Those blends will never return.
Even before the acquisition STG was buying >50% of Cyprian Latakia production.
After STG is finished cutting costs by removing SKUs there will be no need to increase prices due to higher margins. So I foresee 2-5 years of relatively "stable" prices minus the "normal" price, tax and excise rate increases.
After that all bets are off.
The customer just has no choice to avoid STG.
Kopp buys all raw tobacco from Orlik/STG. All Kopp flakes are made by Orlik. Salty Dogs plug from Dan Tobacco and their Roper's Roundels are made by Orlik.
Maybe we will get lucky and blends that were discontinued not due to demand but due to supply/machinery issues might reappear using the same raw tobaccos but different processing techniques, e.g. Kentucky/MCB Old Cavendish core STG coins using flake tobacco for Dark Twist and Stockton.