Last call for Battlefield 3 Multiplayer PS3, let's go!
Servers are going down in a couple days & I've been having a blast & playing as much as possible!!!
Checking in on my M40A1 sniper rifle stats, & my M40 overall accuracy dropped slightly from 46.49% to 46.2% over the last month. Makes sense as I've been sending a few more than usual, trying to hit my goal of 10 Sniper Rifle medals & 9 Accuracy Ribbons before the game shuts down. (You get a sniper ribbon for 7 sniper rifle kills in a match, & an accuracy ribbon for 5 headshots (any gun) in a match, & then a sniper medal for every 30 sniper ribbons, & an accuracy medal for every 50 acc ribbons.)
However, my headshot kill percentage has risen from 82.88% to 82.93% over the past month, so I've only gotten deadlier. =)
Also I believe that I increased my longest headshot a couple weeks ago to 1266 meters from 11xx meters, but I'm not sure on that. I dinged someone way out there a couple weeks ago & it was around a 1200+m holdover.
Compared to my first account which I lost, my M40 accuracy has increased from 40.9%, & my headshot kill percentage has increased from 81.76%. First account had 9679 M40 kills with 7914 headshots, & 47751 shots taken, 19 sniper rifle medals, & 17 accuracy medals, & 96 M40A1 service stars (one for every 100 M40 kills).
Second account has 5390 M40 kills with 4470 headshots, out of 22,428 shots fired.
My first account has my longest headshot of 1791.92 meters. I haven't had an opportunity but maybe more than once to try again, as one of the spots is rarely ever used. I thought it would be fun to try & recreate the shot for you guys, so I jumped into an empty server & headed to Operation Firestorm (Conquest mode) to set it up. One thing I realized the other day is that both spots are accessible from the US teams side of the map, so I was able to set up a beacon & drone cam at one spot, & then went to the other spot to shoot at it, & then I took some bad pics with my phone to show you guys. Sorry I don't know how to stream or screen cap.
Here's the location from the US side of the map, & I have my beacon (blue triangle) & drone (blue orb thing) set up at the other spot, about 1790 meters out, & downhill from here. That slightly affects the holdover compared to shooting from the other spot. Thankfully this game doesn't accout for windage.
Zoomed in, just looking down the barrel more or less. (12x scope)
Zoomed in, with about the appropriate hold-over to make this shot, although I'm off-center to the right slightly, & it's probably a little high:
M40 hold-over with a 12x scope works out to around 300m at the first line, 700 at the second, 1100 at the third line, & 1300 at the fourth line, & then once you get into the post you carry that 200m spacing between the third & fourth line down into the post, & it works out & you might have to add a little more. 1790m is around the start of that first haze ring, which is slightly above the blue triangle, hard to see in the pic. So this looks maybe a little high, especially since I'd be shooting downhill here.
Here's what I'm shooting at, from my drones perspective flying above my beacon. I'm the little blue triangle in the top right corner, & the beacon triangle is in the bottom right corner, obscured by the info overlay.
Here's the view on the ground from there, with my drone & beacon over at the first spot now.
And here's about what the holdover needs to be, in order to hit the shot. You'd have to add a little compared to shooting from the hill, since now we're shooting uphill slightly. The topof the first haze-ring is just even with the top of the blue triangle. Very hard to see in the pic, but that's around 1790m holdover for the M40 with the 12x scope.
Here's the beacon (blue triangle near bottom of the screen on the US hill, with me out there in the swamps (blue triangle near top of screen). This is a somewhat popular place for people to snipe from.
I already knew what the holdover needed to be for this shot, since I've made it before in-game (three or four times), but I took some test shots to dial in, in case I have a chance to hit this thing one more time before the game shuts down. Hang-time is about 5 seconds, so I was able to line up & take the shot, then switch to my drone cam, then pick up my phone & focus & snap pics as the rounds came in. Here's a composition of a few different shots, showing the round incoming & hitting the beacon.
See it heading in, it's the white blob above the "A" in the square:
A bit closer:
Big blurry blob between A & B now, sorry for the bad pic, it was tough to get these pics...
Almost there, it looks like a spear in the blob, right above the red "B":
Finally we see it streaking through the beacon, looks to be 'on the money' to me.

When I made this shot in-game, I was actually shooting from where the beacon is in the pic above. No one ever goes out there, so it's always been tough to actually find this battle in-game. You have to wait for someone to be on the hill, & then you go out here into the swamps & try to snipe them from here. There were two guys up on the hill, eventualy trying to snipe back at me once they figured out where I was. Also there was a friendly laser or someone on my team close enough to be marking them periodically, so I sometimes had a red triangle over the bad guys heads to line up on, or else I never would have made the shots since you can barely see them if at all at these ranges, & too far for me to mark them myself with the select button.
I hit my Sniper & Accuracy Medal goals over the past week, plus some other stuff that I was close to getting & would be fun to go for, so now just going to try for ten more M40 kills to get one last M40 service star, plus however many more sniper ribbons & accuracy ribbons I can get before this thing shuts down for good.
Anyone else jumping on Battlefield 3 before the end? I'm on PS3.