Warhorse Bar Green

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 6, 2023
Maryland, United States
So a little while ago, I went on the hunt for blends that satisfy both Mrs. Rookie and myself. That's a fairly tall order. I'm getting myself off cigarettes. Yay me, I guess. But it means the blend has to have a fairly decent amount of nicotine for me to notice. And if I'm smoking tobacco, I'm looking for some sort of vitamin N. Mrs. Rookie, on the other hand, is looking for me to smoke something that smells pleasant. So while she might love 7Seas, I'm more a Five Bros kind of guy. That internet search lead to, among other blends, Warhorse Bar Green. Which I've smoked about a half tin so far.

I've seen it reffered to as the Licorice Lakeland before, and that's a pretty apt description. The tin note ghosted my post office. That's not a bad thing at all for me, McCrystals Anise is easily my favorite nasal snuff. I'm sure there are other flavors in the tin note, but my pallette is nowhere near refined enough to find them. Again, in my book that's a feature and not a flaw.

Opening the tin, the presentation is beautiful. I'm greeted by a brownie looking cake. Dark brown tobacco mixed with darker brown pressed together with little flecks of light brown look very nice in a tin or jar. It breaks apart willingly enough. I'm not sure who makes it, but the cake breaks up like a C&D cake. Pinching off a pipe's worth and crumbling it up is a trivial exercise, stupid easy and not worth another word on it.

There's a decent bit of swelling with the charring light. I have found this blend to benefit from some drying time, but YMMV. Otherwise, it acts like a Lakeland in my pipe. It is tough for me to get a ember going, but once it's lit it smokes nicely. It takes its fair share of relights and can leave some wetter dottle at the bottom of the bowl when smoked as fast as I smoke it.

The taste is anise. Somewhere in the second third, a bit of tobacco taste starts to come in. The licorice never goes away, ever. But somewhere around the halfway point the tobacco starts to work with the flavoring to achieve something close to harmony. And the good news is there is nicotine in this blend. Not very much according to the guy who extremely recently quit a 2 pack a day habit, but if I'm feeling it that's a good sign. For others, I might suggest a full stomach before having a bowl.

The room note notes come from Mrs. Rookie. "I'm fine with it. It doesn't bother me. Strong licorice or anise but not unpleasant. It makes me want to buy a box of Good n Plentys."

My final thoughts. I'm glad I got this. But I'm not sure if I'll get another tin. It checks the boxes we needed checked without a doubt, that's not it. This is definitely an aromatic with some nicotine, which is exactly what I was looking for. But this is a blend which showed me the term "pallette fatigue". In short, it's harder for me to smoke a black jelly bean for a half hour or more. And if I'm looking for that nicotine after a good meal, well it'll deliver but at the expense of the meal.

Warning, this  will ghost whatever you smoke it in. If you're interested in trying this, I'd recommend picking up a cob to go with it if you don't have a dedicated Lakeland pipe.
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Dec 22, 2013
New York
Try the War Horse Bar in the red tin. Opinions on this stuff cover the entire spectrum from 'I cannot live without this blend' to 'Which mentally ill midget created this blend'. It should satisfy most of your needs and you can always think of it as the tobacco world's answer to duct tape!


Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 6, 2023
Maryland, United States
Try the War Horse Bar in the red tin. Opinions on this stuff cover the entire spectrum from 'I cannot live without this blend' to 'Which mentally ill midget created this blend'. It should satisfy most of your needs and you can always think of it as the tobacco world's answer to duct tape!
Thanks for the tip. Tossing a tin in the cart now.


Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 2, 2024
Rockton, il
Try the War Horse Bar in the red tin. Opinions on this stuff cover the entire spectrum from 'I cannot live without this blend' to 'Which mentally ill midget created this blend'. It should satisfy most of your needs and you can always think of it as the tobacco world's answer to duct tape!
Duck Tape fixes everything!
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Ahi Ka

Feb 25, 2020
Aotearoa (New Zealand)
I love warhorse bar red. The room note however smells like a raccoon got stuck in your sink’s waste disposal widget thing.

Try mixing some 7seas into your 5 bros. Even a pinch will get that sweet pipe smell, and I’ve found I actually prefer black cavendish as a tiny condiment rather than a whole blend. A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down


Mar 25, 2016
I really like War Horse Red. To me, it checks all the desired boxes and has a decent nic hit on top of it all, a great morning-coffee-on-a-day-off blend.

War Horse Green ... WOW! To me, it's like a stout tobacco mixed with some spicy German pastry, and it knocked my socks off when I first tried it. That experience alone left an enduring impression. I wouldn't call it an all-day smoke, but that was the most fun I'd had trying out a new pipe blend in many, many years and it's become a winter staple.

I've cellared both pretty damned deeply; I'm determined to have them around with my other favorites for however long I continue to smoke a pipe. I know tastes differ from smoker to smoker, but I highly recommend trying out both Red and Green to anyone, newbie or seasoned.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 6, 2023
Maryland, United States
They are a crosscut crumble cake, yet tighter than the usual crumble cake-especially the red.
Nowhere near as dense as a proper plug.View attachment 313086View attachment 313084
That's it! That's that beautiful brownie I was taking about! The Licorice Lakeland. Grab a pinch and load it into a pipe you're ready to lose to an anise for the rest of its life in the best possible way.


May 6, 2024
Bethesda, MD
So a little while ago, I went on the hunt for blends that satisfy both Mrs. Rookie and myself. That's a fairly tall order. I'm getting myself off cigarettes. Yay me, I guess. But it means the blend has to have a fairly decent amount of nicotine for me to notice. And if I'm smoking tobacco, I'm looking for some sort of vitamin N. Mrs. Rookie, on the other hand, is looking for me to smoke something that smells pleasant. So while she might love 7Seas, I'm more a Five Bros kind of guy. That internet search lead to, among other blends, Warhorse Bar Green. Which I've smoked about a half tin so far.

I've seen it reffered to as the Licorice Lakeland before, and that's a pretty apt description. The tin note ghosted my post office. That's not a bad thing at all for me, McCrystals Anise is easily my favorite nasal snuff. I'm sure there are other flavors in the tin note, but my pallette is nowhere near refined enough to find them. Again, in my book that's a feature and not a flaw.

Opening the tin, the presentation is beautiful. I'm greeted by a brownie looking cake. Dark brown tobacco mixed with darker brown pressed together with little flecks of light brown look very nice in a tin or jar. It breaks apart willingly enough. I'm not sure who makes it, but the cake breaks up like a C&D cake. Pinching off a pipe's worth and crumbling it up is a trivial exercise, stupid easy and not worth another word on it.

There's a decent bit of swelling with the charring light. I have found this blend to benefit from some drying time, but YMMV. Otherwise, it acts like a Lakeland in my pipe. It is tough for me to get a ember going, but once it's lit it smokes nicely. It takes its fair share of relights and can leave some wetter dottle at the bottom of the bowl when smoked as fast as I smoke it.

The taste is anise. Somewhere in the second third, a bit of tobacco taste starts to come in. The licorice never goes away, ever. But somewhere around the halfway point the tobacco starts to work with the flavoring to achieve something close to harmony. And the good news is there is nicotine in this blend. Not very much according to the guy who extremely recently quit a 2 pack a day habit, but if I'm feeling it that's a good sign. For others, I might suggest a full stomach before having a bowl.

The room note notes come from Mrs. Rookie. "I'm fine with it. It doesn't bother me. Strong licorice or anise but not unpleasant. It makes me want to buy a box of Good n Plentys."

My final thoughts. I'm glad I got this. But I'm not sure if I'll get another tin. It checks the boxes we needed checked without a doubt, that's not it. This is definitely an aromatic with some nicotine, which is exactly what I was looking for. But this is a blend which showed me the term "pallette fatigue". In short, it's harder for me to smoke a black jelly bean for a half hour or more. And if I'm looking for that nicotine after a good meal, well it'll deliver but at the expense of the meal.

Warning, this  will ghost whatever you smoke it in. If you're interested in trying this, I'd recommend picking up a cob to go with it if you don't have a dedicated Lakeland pipe.
Wow thanks for this thorough review. I was attracted cus of the tin art but now your descriptions made it worth putting in the cart. Btw I'm in MD and new to pipe smoking (about 3 months in). Glad to see more DMV folks! Browsing these forums makes it seem like there are no pipe smokers in metro areas. Are you part of a pipe club? And any good local B&Ms your way?
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Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 6, 2023
Maryland, United States
Wow thanks for this thorough review. I was attracted cus of the tin art but now your descriptions made it worth putting in the cart. Btw I'm in MD and new to pipe smoking (about 3 months in). Glad to see more DMV folks! Browsing these forums makes it seem like there are no pipe smokers in metro areas. Are you part of a pipe club? And any good local B&Ms your way?
Hey, fellow Old Bay enthusiast! Sadly, the brick and mortar stores are few and far between. Most of the tobacco shops around the Baltimore area are, well, "tobacco" shops. You might check out Davidus, there's a few around. Mostly a few C&D, Pease, and Peterson tins with a couple jars of C&D, Lane, and a Stokkebye along the back. The one in Westminister is very good for pipes, the manager there smokes one. But mostly they are cigars. John B. Hayes in Winchester, Virginia as well as Boswell in Chambersburg, PA are great stores though and well worth the trip. Since I got out of the army in 2004, I've only seen 3 other people smoking a pipe, and they were all in Frederick.

As far as urban pipe smokers, it's hard for an urban smoker of tobacco in general. More and more anti smoking legislation and ordinances, higher and higher taxes combine to push tobacco underground. With cancer sticks, it's easier. When pushed I could have a cigarette pulled out, lit, smoked, field stripped, and butt in the trash can in 4 minutes. Can't really do that with a pipe. And I'm sure there are pipe clubs around, but I've never gone looking for them. It's not why I smoke a pipe.
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Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 6, 2023
Maryland, United States
Yeah, I snagged mine early on, when the blocks seemed generously sized. I’m curious to hear/read comment on how they’ve been more recently.
They are an average weight crumble cake. I'm not going to say "generous", 1-3/4oz is 1-3/4oz whether it's in a big fluffy pile of ribbon or compressed into a 2 square inch plug. The is a nice crumble cake. It holds its shape nicely but pinches off like a dream.