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William F.

May 4, 2024
Lone Star State
I am William and yesterday marked the end of my second year attending University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering.
I have no doubt that you are more than impressed and that your fingers are already itching to type heaps of praise upon me, congratulations abound. Some of you are probably thinking "He is going places." and "This is prime son-in-law material."
Before wasting any time+effort photoshopping your daughter's graduation photos, know this:
The only place that I am going, is right back from whence I came. Nowhere.

Back to the introduction…
I took up smoking around nine months ago, upon finding a cheap plastic "Made China" pipe in the local convenience store and pairing it with the cashier's highly recommended Tin Star Regular Pipe Tobacco. While I have not had the means to upgrade replace the pipe, I have been fortunate enough to try a few more blends.
I have only been reading the forums for a few weeks but have already grown tired of not being able to expand the photos of some of your beautiful pipes (members only), so I decided to join. Visiting this site has been to me, what some people must have experienced with National Geographic in decades gone by; I have been reading about and seeing things that are complete foreign but almost familiar at the same time.

I will attempt to end this novelette with a joke; actually, this is legitimately my entire pipe+tobacco holdings but some of you will probably find it to be quite humorous:
"Made China" pipe

Tamper that I made from a broken wine glass

Tin Star Regular Pipe Tobacco [Terrible - Surely meant for making cigarettes, which are probably just as terrible.]
4 Aces Turkish Pipe Tobacco [Bad - A little better than Tin Star but not by much.]
Sir Walter Raleigh Aromatic [Decent - Better when mixed 1:1 with SWR or Prince Albert.]
Sir Walter Raleigh [Good - This most recent pouch has a faint hint of vinegar, which will hopefully dissipate.]
Prince Albert [Good - I probably smoke this at least once every day, if not more.]


Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 22, 2021
Western New York
Welcome from W NY. There a a lot of professors of the pipe here, you can even be called Doctor in the future . Someone has to start at the bottom. Welcome
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Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 22, 2020
Gardendale, Alabama
Nothing wrong with your selections. You will venture further as time goes by and find what tobaccos and pipes are suited for you. No judgement here. Welcome from Alabama!
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Feb 26, 2015
Slidell, LA
Welcome from SE Louisiana.

"The only place that I am going, is right back from whence I came. Nowhere."

I read depression and defeat in your words.
That makes me sad and worried.
We all came from somewhere and life is a journey to our next destination.
I don't know why you are not returning to college but be aware not returning to college may not be that bad of a thing. There are many practical trades that pay more than what some college graduates make. Life should be what you make of it, not what others tell you it should be.

One more platitude...
I can honestly say that I have found that when one opportunity ends, there are other opportunities that are waiting for you to take the first step. In simple language - When one door closes, another opens.