Now It's Cricket Pasta/Pizza/Pancakes etc.

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Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
Apparently cricket farming in Italy is on the rise by leaps and bounds.

"Farming insects also requires just a fraction of the land used to produce meat. Given the pollution caused by the meat and dairy industry, more and more scientists believe insects could be key to tackling climate change".

A bit less hot air from these scientists might help tackle climate change too.

"Aside from the taste, cricket powder is a superfood packed with vitamins, fibre, minerals and amino acids. One plate contains higher sources of iron and magnesium, for example, than a regular sirloin steak".

When I eat a steak, sirloin or fillet, I don't care one hoot about how much iron or magnesium is in it, I eat it because I like the flavour & texture.

At £52 per kilogram for the flour I just don't see it jumping off the shelves ;).

It's already become politicised so how long before this is forced upon the people?




Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
Apparently they were being enjoyed as early as 1593 according to Christopher Marlowe :oops:

1593 C. Marlowe Jew of Malta (1633) iv. H 4 b He liues vpon Pickled Grashoppers, and sauc'd Mushrumbs.

The very thought of eating creepy crawlies make me want to wretch.


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Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 21, 2023
Central Maryland
Philosophically speaking, my level of willingness to eat bug is inversely proportional to how hard my self-proclaimed masters try to make me eat them.

Practically speaking, insects are largely made out of the same proteins as shellfish, which I developed an allergy to a few years ago. So, no buffalo-lime locusts for me regardless, and that flour adulterated with bug powder had better be labeled properly


Jan 31, 2011
This is what happens when you allow a racketeering cartel of Bond-villains to hijack and bastardize "science" and then use the bullshit proclamations it produces to propagandize the masses and manipulate public policy.

When Eisenhower warned in his farewell address that "public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite" he left out the part that it would be fake science they'd be using to buffalo the public...and that these "elite" are eugenicists.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
We’re on the slope…
Just think of all the things on your own personal “that’ll never happen” list that are commonplace today.

View attachment 232240
first off that's either the best or worst product name ever.
While I don't really have the stomach for eating bugs, the fact is we already eat many unintentionally or as part of something either as unavoidable contaminants or as ingredients that aren't fully advertised (like the shiny coating on jelly beans), but it will be lots of fun watching vegans trying to get people to care about insect rights.
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Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
It's amusing that an atheist scientific/political regime is trying to return the world to an early biblical diet. I have no problem eating them as long as they are just a part of everything else I eat and not a replacement.


Feb 21, 2013
Nothing in my dining experience has prepared me to eat insects. Yet the fact that I eat them by mistake, in other food or by inhaling them without knowing it, doesn't bother me at all. Nor do descriptions of their crunchy nutty flavor entice me in the least.

No one wants to be coerced into eating anything, maybe even lobster or premium steak. So that would be a deterrent.

If insects were the only available protein, including various plant and dairy proteins, I might venture into it. But nothing is so impressive as your childhood diet in deciding what is edible and what is repulsive and possibly poison. Kids who grow up eating insects likely don't give it a thought. Although they might love some insects and refuse others, the way kids do.
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Mar 7, 2013
When cash disappears and all money is electronic, you will eat bugs if told to.

How will you receive this guidance? By having your required Citizen Chip set to "this one eats bugs" by the Ministry of Truth.

In other words, your house was just foreclosed on, your car repossessed, and all your bank accounts frozen... and the only way to get them back is to eat the tray of delicious insects set before you.

In fact, if the deal also required that you tell your friends how delicious they were, and what a lovely, helpful person the Truth Minister was, you'd do that, too.

Sound crazy?

The technology already exists, and the "persuasion technique" is already being used.

All that's lacking is the elimination of banknote and coins, and the scale of implementation.
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