This is interesting. I was smoking my pipe as I walked back out to my truck from the grocers one day a few years ago, and another, younger pipesmoker saw me, I guess thinking "wow, another pipesmoker," and he started following me asking me... "what sort of pipes do you like? " At the time, I thought it was a very strange question, requiring a lot of talking. Things that ran through my mind, were, does he mean what style pipes, what makers, what brands; I wasn't sure how to respond.
I started collecting dublins, long and lanky, pencil thin shanks were what appealed to me most. Maybe a slight bend, but definitely full bends did not appeal to me. And, then Skip at the Briary started gifting me with these really old bulldogs, and he let me peruse the historical ads, and brochures he had, which led me to researching bulldogs. At the same time I started collecting them. They are a fascinating and very unique pipe shape. So, I have more than 50 dublins, and more than 50 bulldogs.
Spigots started appealing to me as a metalsmith, and I have been collecting them and bamboos also.
I am partial to the Scandinavian designs, but Italian designs also appeal to me. I really like the classical shapes of English designs as well, but my god they are over priced. I don't like anything factory produced in America. And, I prefer artisan made over any factory pipes.
I have a few German pipes, but they are older and looked more Scandinavian than German. Overall, I do not prefer German.
The pipes that I have the most of are older Belgian made Hilsons. I don't really care for the ones made after the Texas Billionaire revived the brand. They are another thing that I think should have just died.
All in all, I just buy what appeals to me, and I have way more than I can ever smoke. I have wall mounted racks that hold 100 pipes, and a drawer I stick the ones that either just don't appeal to me, are broken, or are to precious to me to smoke. I also have racks in my studio, by my seat in the living room, and bowls of pipes just setting on tables in my tobacco room. I have no idea how many I have now. I just visit pipes shops and buy one as my fee to smoke, and always buy a pipe when I go to the Briary, of which I don't visit very much these days. I also am always looking to buy more of my favorite style Hilsons, and I search the internet every day to buy another if I can find them. I know, why buy more of the same pipe? Well, they have pencil thin shanks, and break easily, so if I can get about 100 more of this same exact pipe, I can just snap them and throw them in a drawer and still have that same pipe to keep smoking. I really like the pipe, and buying a new one is cheaper than getting someone to make a new stem. Besides, all of the stems fit each other on these pipes, so I can keep the same stummel going for years with fresh stems.
See^ This is why I couldn't answer that question quickly in a parking low, with a bag of ice that I needed to get home and in a cooler. I could keep writing about what types of pipes that I like. I haven't even mentioned the pipes that I also make for myself.