The Pipes Magazine Radio Show – Episode 47

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Kevin Godbee
Thank you for joining us for The Pipes Magazine Radio Show—the only radio talk show for pipe smokers and collectors. We want to thank you for listening and being one of our loyal 15,000 weekly fans. In tonight’s “Pipe Parts” segment Brian will talk about collecting–not pipe collecting, but other things that many pipe smokers like to collect. Our Featured Interview is with the multi-talented Joe Case. Joe is a pipe maker, YouTube presenter, radio personality, and organizer of the First Annual Music City Pipe Show & Sale Conference. We will have more pipe poetry from Michael Sull as well. We have a great show lined up for you tonight—our pipes are packed, drinks are poured, the sound check is done … pack a pipe, sit back, relax and join us for The Pipes Magazine Radio Show.

Tonight’s show is sponsored by,, Amadeus Pipes,, Missouri Meerschaum,, and, Please give them some consideration when making your next pipe or tobacco purchase.

We hope you enjoy our 50-minute show produced just for you—the pipe smoker and collector. The following link will launch a pop-up player. Alternatively, you can download the show in iTunes after the initial broadcast is complete here.

Listen & Download With These Apps as Well
iTunes Podkicker for Android Stitcher

Joe’s Etsy Page for Browsing Pipes and Ordering
Joe Case YouTube Channel
Southern Fried Pipe Club

More Pipes and Tobaccos Articles

8 Responses

  • Hey Brian,
    Geeze Brian, I think you missed the one collectable I find most often. How many show tables do you find BOOKS! I collect books as do many other pipe smokers – especially Sherlock Holmes and JRR Tolkien. Also, any pipe related publications have a place on my book shelves. How did you miss that one??
    Joe Case – very nice pipes. I like the pokers. I had a radio show while in college – it taught me to stay out of the business although I do ham radio. My experience is that pipe makers generally smoke the ones they don’t put to market. Interesting to find one who purchases one he put up for sale. Great to see that Nashville is getting a show again. Anyone who likes McC #5100 gets an “A” by me.
    Love the poetry and the reading is something special. Any chance of putting the poetry readings in downloadable files on
    Signs, signs, everywhere is signs…..sounds like a song to me.

  • I am a definately a collector. I am a woodworker and collect tools and books on various woodworking topics, I am a huge music fan and collect CDs (one of the few who still buys CDs I guess) I have easily over 2000 by now, I collect books (especially Library of America books lately) and I collect guitars, when I can afford them. I assume pipes and tobacco goes without saying on this site? Great show as always with another fantastic interview! Thanks for bringing us this show!

  • Hey Brian,
    Great show! I really liked the Joe Case interview, I like the look of the pipes he makes and his humble attitude. Come on now Brian you have a great radio voice too! As far as collecting I am a major geek and have a little over 5000 comic books. Working on starting up a pipe club had 3 guys over and listened to your show together while smoking our pipes.

  • Another fine show. The segment on collecting was very enjoyable.
    Enjoyed listening to Joe Case but I am not sure the world needs another Pipe Show.

  • Great show Brian…just found the podcast a few weeks ago and I’m finally caught up. Besides collecting pipes, I loves books…especially Sherlock Holmes books and guns…I love to sit in my big leather reading chair in my library and relax with one of my pipes and read a Holmes and Watson story.

  • Still catching up on old shows since finding you several weeks back. I collect and restore pretty much anything that winds up with a key and powers itself with a mainspring. Also enjoy Lionel and other electric trains.