The Pipes Magazine Radio Show – Episode 130

Kevin Godbee
Thank you for joining us for The Pipes Magazine Radio Show—the only radio talk show for pipe smokers and collectors. We broadcast weekly, every Tuesday at 8 pm eastern USA time and are available on nearly all podcast sites and apps. Listen on your computer, tablet, phone and even in the car! Our Featured Interview tonight is with Rob Cooper. Rob is a former financial advisor, and is best known in the pipe community as being one of the biggest sellers of estate pipes on eBay. His store is named Cooper’s Ark, and it has a huge pipe collector fan base. Rob has been in the estate pipe business for nearly 20-years, and has been a pipe smoker for several decades. In the “Pipe Parts” segment, Brian will talk about one of the most prominent classic pipe shapes, and my personal favorite—the billiard. Sit back, relax with your pipe, and enjoy The Pipes Magazine Radio Show!

Tonight’s show is sponsored by,,, Missouri Meerschaum,, Cornell & Diehl, and Savinelli Pipes and Tobaccos. Please give them some consideration when making your next pipe or tobacco purchase.

We hope you enjoy our 1-hour show produced just for you—the pipe smoker and collector. The following link will launch a pop-up player. Alternatively, you can download the show in iTunes and other podcast sites and apps after the initial broadcast is complete here.

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Rob Cooper
Cooper’s Ark eBay Store

Brian’s Billiards

More Pipes and Tobaccos Articles

10 Responses

  • HI Brian,
    All of my billiards are bent. Oh well.
    Rob Cooper is a pipe-person that I do know both through meeting and hearing him speak at pipe shows, and through purchasing from him on ebay. I know I did not start with Dunhill and Barling pipes, more like Whitehall and Medico. “Coopers-Arc” and I thought it was “Cooper-sark” like a sailing ship or a Scotch. See, you can learn something.
    A ‘mentoring’ session at Chicago is a great idea. I agree with you comments on the new pipe smokers and the need for your session. You mentioned the “environment” in which you smoke the pipe, which is something I firmly believe. Great interview.
    Music – Pipe Dream (Asleep at the Wheel) – very nice song.
    Rant – Charlotte Time Warner ARena goes non-smoking outside. Oh well it is just a sign of the time.
    Good interview.

  • It has been a while since I have been here, but I haven’t missed a show!
    The billiard is one of my favorite shapes. You just can’t beat a well made billiard. It is the quintessential pipe!
    The interview with Rob was great. I feel that there are a lot more stories and loads of information yet to be heard from him. Maybe a “Part II” would be in order in the future? I fully agree with Rob and John Seiler that the setting in which a pipe is smoked is paramount and directly proportional to the enjoying experience of the pipe. It makes all the difference in the world. Sadly, it can no longer be TW Arena.
    I loved the music choice. I had never heard that song before. An instant favorite.
    Great show, gentlemen.

  • I thoroughly enjoyed this episode and the interview with Mr. Cooper. I wish I could attend his talk in Chicago. I feel compelled to add, though, that not all Kaywoodie and Yello Bole pipes are “garbage”. (I am not saying Mr. Cooper views these pipes as garbage – he was recounting his interaction with another fellow.) 1960s Kaywoodies and Yello Boles are not great pipes, but earlier pipes from both brands are often quite good, even excellent.

  • Really enjoyed the pipe parts segment on Billiards. I think purists would even have a stricter definition of a billiard than you do. I know at the KC Carving Contest last year we received 57 entries of billiard pipes. By the strict letter of the law maybe 5-6 of them were really billiards. To a rather unknowledgeable person as myself this was very surprising since the billiard looks so simple.
    Rob Cooper is always interesting. He certainly is knowledgeable about online selling. I think his mentoring is a great idea and newbies to the area to need to attend these sessions. I was able to spend some time with him at the Columbus Show when Premal took half the attendees out to dinner.
    Obviously, the Arena management caved into the Lunatic Left. This will always be the case as long as the Righteous Right continues to be silent about their rights.

  • What a terrific interview. I don’t know Rob Cooper but have seen him at a few shows. Internet chatter isn’t always kind to him and I “thought” that I didn’t or wouldn’t like him. However after hearing his interview, it seems we share many of the same views. I really like his answer about the engineering of a pipe and the variables involved. I was pleased to hear him say there is no pat answer. Please invite him back for another show(s). I’ll definitely look forward to striking up a conversation with him at the next event.

  • Great interview with Rob Cooper. He can go through a pipe show like no one else I know, where he looks at each table, one at a time to get an overview, and see every table at the Chicago show in less than an hour. I have tried to do this, even following him, but something always sidetracks me and I haven’t even come close to seeing every table, even after two full days of wandering around. Rob is truly knowledgeable about pipes.

  • Wow! Thanks for the shout out Brian. It was an incredible opportunity to meet you at the show and to join us at JR’s. I had a great time and enjoyed meeting you. I have to say that what impressed me the most was how you are engaged in the lives of your children. In spite of your traveling and work you always make sure you are there with them and for them. Keep up the good work! I look forward to your next visit.
    BTW – It finally warmed up here.
    Michael Beltranena

  • Hi Brian,
    I hope someone will create a video of Rob’s lecture for the YouTube community. It would also be great if Rob could put on a pipe restoration clinic at the show.
    I think that was the longest “Fast Five Final Questions” so far…
    Another great show and interview!

  • How about a show with an interview with reps from Samuel Gawith and Gawith Hoggarth clans? Is it true, according to your last podcast, that there was some bad blood betwixt the two companies? The world wonders.

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