Category Archives: The Pipe Pundit

Beach Sunrises and Pipes

Sunrise at the Beach

Ok, the old Pundit is gonna say this only once. Well, maybe twice: It’s beach time! Some of my happiest pipe-smoking memories were created on the back deck of an […]

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The Contemplative Lifestyle

Smoky's Cigars Knoxville TN

June is a memorable month for those of us who are absorbed in history. June 6, 1944, marked the beginning of the end of World War II as the U.S. […]

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Pipes Running Amok!


Pundit is a pipe smoker who never sleeps. No, that’s not right. Pundit is a pipe smoker who is always thinking about pipes and tobacco. Even in his sleep. Well, […]

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Huffing and Puffing in the Wildwoods

Some pipes cleaned and ready to go in search of wildflowers. Bottom left: A Cavicchi; bottom right: White Dot; top left to right: veteran Petersons (Photo: Fred Brown)

You know the olde saw: April’s showers bring May flowers.” Just to let you know, Pundit is all in on May and the flowers. Not that Pundit is a knowledgeable […]

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Marching Into Spring


February’s International Pipe-Smoking Day was more than just another moment of relaxation for Pundit. It took me back to a time in Paris when I was wandering somewhere around the […]

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Of Dear Friends and Pipes


Fair warning: Pundit is coming in lukewarm: There arises a day, methinks, when it’s time in Pipelandia to thin the herd. I always look to February for the thinning stint […]

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New Resolutions, New Pipes

Bringing in the New Year with the old and something new (Photo: Fred Brown)

A new year and the great titans of Pipelandia are firing up their imaginations, and perhaps cleaning out leftover dust and detritus from 2023’s production. At this new juncture, deities […]

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Merry Christmas and Happy Pipes and Tobacco

A Norman Rockwell Pipe Gift Set from a Pundit Christmas Past (Photo: Fred Brown)

By now you are aware that it is Christmas time in the city, the burbs, and the outback. Or it’s close to hour for the heavily bearded roly-poly fellow stuffed […]

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A Mile High and Connected

Craggy Pipes in the Pundit herd, from Ser Jacopos to Petes

This will be a bit of a stretch, a hill, a ridge too far for some of my pipe-smoking friends. Let’s just say the Pundit continues to suffer from being […]

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Falling Leaves and a Pipe

A plethora of pipes, from Ashton to Northern Briar, Dunhill, Peterson with some fav blends. All ready for fall (Photo: Fred Brown)

At last, maybe, summer’s hot breath is fading into fall’s blessed currents that chill the morning air and put a lively step in the morning walk. Fall mornings are ready-made […]

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