Edgeworth Ready Rubbed Pipe Tobacco Review

Edgeworth Ready Rubbed Pipe TobaccoI have to say that I simply had to try this tobacco because of the name … not so much the Edgworth as the ‘Ready Rubbed. My father smoked a ready rubbed for years and even though I had no idea of what the brand was that he smoked I had to try this one. It’s strange how much impact a father can have on his son.

So I bought a pouch and opened it … and almost wished I hadn’t. The smell coming out of that pouch was awful and I almost just closed it back up and put it away. If there was Jamaican rum in there it was being well masked by whatever the other more secretive ingredients were and I’m not even prepared to hazard a guess at what they might have been.

Despite the smell I was surprised to find just what a pleasant smoke it was. It was cool and the taste was somewhere between nutty and woody. It burned evenly throughout and it held its taste too.

Those around me didn’t find the aroma unbearable … although they weren’t around when I opened the pouch … and one or two have even commented on the pleasant smell in the room once the pipe had been alight for a few minutes.

Now I know that some people think that this burley is a fairly low-grade sort of smoke and perhaps a little dated these days but I’m not put off by what others might say. I have my likes … and dislikes and this one is definitely one that I like.

Sadly the brand is no more and this tobacco is becoming harder to find as stocks dwindle so buck the trend and grab a pouch or tin before it’s gone … you really will have a piece of history to smoke if you do.

Brand: Edgeworth
Blender: Lane Limited
Tin Description: An extraordinary blend of the finest Burley and carefully selected light golden Virginia tobaccos. By adding an aroma according to an old recipe containing Jamaica rum and other secret ingredients, a spicy blend is created. By cutting the pressed Cavendish cross-wise, the characteristic cubes are formed. These cubes guarantee an easy fill and even burning pipe. Pressed blend composed mainly of Burley and dark-fired tobaccos with some Virginia leaf.
Country of Origin: USA
Curing Group: Air Cured
Contents: Burley
Cut: Ready Rubbed
Packaging: 50g Pouch, 50g Tin
Strength: Mild to Medium
Flavoring: Mild
Taste: Mild to Medium
Room Note: Pleasant to Tolerable
Recommendation: Recommended

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10 Responses

  • Wwll, I wouldn’t disagree with the review. I’ve smoked ERRd since 1967, in all of its incarnations through the Larus Bros, then the Lane product. IMNSHO, ERRd may have been the iconic burley mix in the US. It certainly has had a fine pedigree since 1903, and offers a distinct aroma and taste. It can bite if pushed, but don’t push the blend. Savor the flavor of real burleys. Whatever condiments were present were added in such minute quantities that the burley base was never masked. I am in singular amazement that this blend was discontinued, but that was because changing tobacco tastes have sought more pyrotechnics and less substance. This is my review from TR

  • Cornell/Diehl has new burley flakes coming out that are close in taste. I smoke a lot of SWReg which is also close in cut and taste. But, I also have 20+ tins of the last production runs of ERRd which will last about a year or so, then chaos. ERRd has been my everyday smoke for years.

  • I was bummed out to when dfI foulnd that Edgeworth was discontinued. I smoked the heck out of it when i was in my 20’s (now 54). I did stop smoking for a while and got back into pipes and when I went to the local tobacconist. he told me that the stuff was discontinued. Man I remember that as an ALL day smoke and it never bit my toungue, ever. Maybe it was the rum in it. I smoked Borkum Riff’s rum flavor too and liked it but nothing could take the beating that Edgeworth did and stiff burn like a champ.

  • I’d sure love to taste this one, also a favorite tobacco for my father who keeps dozens of tins here (both Ready Rubbed and Cavendish varieties) but I never got to taste it as it was discontinued too early. Does anyone have a picture of this tobacco I could see? I’d love to see how exactly the tobacco cut was with this blend. Thanks for the review!

  • As the son of an Edgeworth Blue Pipe Tobacco smoker I never could get used to the smell. Howver, my father who smoked this brand for 30 years would never condider anything but. He went into a state of depression when he found his favorite brand was to be discontinued. He recently passed away and to my surprise I found an entire box of 14 Oz tins he bought as it was on its way out. If anyone is interested please send me a note.

  • Hey John,
    I’d be willing to pay a fair price for one or two tins. Have never smoked it and always wanted to.

  • Hi John,
    I enjoyed ready rub many years ago. Sure would like to have a couple of tins, if they are still available. Drop me a line and I’ll send a check.

  • Would greatly appreciate any background concerning name “Edgeworth” – might help with family tree. Thanks
