The Metal Mixtures

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Jul 21, 2015
The following are blends I create for myself, friends, internet buddies and other interested parties. Sometimes, I swap them for in-kind goodies.
Aiwass. This is created in tribute to C&D's excellent The Beast, but not intended to emulate it. More than half rum-soaked Perique, this mixture is then shored up with strong Virginias and Burleys, then crested with a pinch of Bright Virginia. The mixture is married through a proprietary process and then given a top-note of rum for more Crowleyian kick. Medium to strong, medium flavor, and moderate room note.
Massacra. My personal blend designed for all-day smoking, Massacra was inspired by the UK plugs including the venerable Velvan Plug, but given a death metal twist. Dark Burley melds with Dark Fired Kentucky Burley and Bright Virginia, supported by creamy cigar leaf and married through a proprietary process. The result has a fiery caramel flavor with an inner depth. Strong, medium to full flavor, and tolerable room note.



Jun 3, 2015
I spent this past weekend smoking Aiwass. An exceptional blend. I love the molasses notes that jump up out of nowhere. You would think this blend would bite the hell out of you, because of the topping, but tongue bite never happens.
Massacra is a definitely a creamy blend. I need to spend more time with it, Aiwass captivated me the whole damn time.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Aiwassa is WAY better that The Beast. I have been enjoying the crap out of it, and I may not return to smoke any of that Small Batch crap.
At first, when you told me the leafs involved, I was a little reluctant to try it, but it is smooth and sweet as hell, and without that rum burn that The Beast has. I can taste the influence of rum, but without leaving a coating that feels like I actually put rum in my mouth. It is a moderate nic hit, not overwhelming at all, but satisfying. Out of all of the Crowley inspired blends, Haddos included (which is a favorite of mine) this one wins my vote for Best in Show.
I would buy more.
Massacra... hmmm, I had an opinion formed, until I read the part about Velvan. I'm not sure you got it in the ballpark of Velvan. To me, Velvan has a floral, fruity flavor. But, that aside, what I did think of it was that it was good, but it taxed my whole mouth after a while. Maybe, it is the cigar leaf or the burley. But, it just overloaded my taste buds fairly quickly. Not bitey, just overwhelming flavor... not strength of nicotine either. To be fair, I've only had three bowls of this, so maybe I just need to spend more time with it. It does have a good flavor in the very beginning, maybe I just need to try it at different times of day. It has all of the things that I like in a blend, I probably just need to smoke it for a few more days and come back to it.
BTW, if you want to send me more samples of these two, I would most definitely smoke them :wink: I think that if I keep smoking Massacra, that eventually I will learn to appreciate it more. :puffy: Oh, and, if I had more of Aiwassa, I would definitely learn to appreciate Massacra more also. Ha ha.
Thanks for the samples. I'm honored to have been included.



May 25, 2012
Interesting ideas. Massacra sounds really nice.
I've got a load of burleys and some ropes coming in -- might have to try my hand at my own "deathmetal" blends. I love the British and Irish plugs, but none of them are quite potent enough for what I'm looking for sometimes. That's one of the reasons I'm really excited to try the new War Horse plug/bar.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 27, 2014
I too was honored by the inclusion - not much of an opinion formed regarding Massacra yet, have been busy savoring Aiwass too often! Very much appreciated and enjoyed!



Oct 14, 2014
My mixtures rarely dip below a good 10% St Bernard Fur threshold. And you know, I'm ok with that.



Jun 3, 2015
God Praise Aiwass. Praeter-Tobacciana. 93 Great companion to Eco's The Name of the Rose, which I'm currently devouring. Thanks again DeathMetal. :worship:



Jul 21, 2015
Some of his theoretical writing is nifty too:



Jul 21, 2015
If you got back to me before the last 24, your package is enroute. It has taken a long time to mail these last couple weeks.
New batch of Aiwass is underway.
Cheers all!

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